Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Happen To South Park Online

SCULL ON THE DOCTOR: "I exclude that cause the allergic reaction of the paint has been Sculli

“Escludo che a provocare la reazione allergica di Sculli sia stata la vernice. Il giocatore ha evidenziato i sintomi tipici della manifestazione allergica dovuta a sforzo fisico” con queste parole il Professor Giovanni Trimarco, allergologo presso l’Ospedale Andrew, spoke to the microphones of Buongiorno Football, Radio Mana Mana. "The fact that the allergy has occurred so quickly was a completely normal - said Trimarco -. The discourse in this period also applies to the pollens that circulate in the air. That is a big problem of allergy and not investigated. It 's a legend of the allergy tests, as the diagnosis is obtained by clinical examination. The allergy tests are only used to confirm the quality of diagnosis. In addition we would keep to point out two things: first, in 2011 we are therefore of allergy in these times it heals completely, a second analysis should be emphasized as athletes need more attention, because their bodies continually subject to stress. "


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