Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The Adventure Diaries: Templars to death! (Sixth episode - Assassin's Creed 2)

Hello everyone, today I
public another episode of the adventure diaries, stories of characters who play video games! In this episode we go to a salsa oldest and Renaissance: in fact, in this episode read the adventures of "Ezio Auditor", the famous murderess in Florence Assassin's Creed 2! What else to say, happy reading!

WARNING! To avoid spoilers is not recommended reading if you do not have completed the sequence of four in the game.

This story intrigues me a lot. So why not start keeping a history of my actions I too? Something you remember all the suffering I have suffered and the adventures that I faced, I met the Miss and the battles won. Of course, those who head to encrypt everything? My adventures will be open to those who want to read it once I'm dead, not like those of that other murderess, Altair, which has spread everywhere and wrote them in a manner nothing short of incomprehensible. Fortunate to have as a friend Messer Leonardo allowed me to get on top of the riddles hidden in them anyway. Uncle Mario said that he and my father had deciphered some of them, then under a watchful eye can be restored to their original shape. But I do not have the temperament for this kind of thing! My mind is a combative, dedicated to fighting and action star behind a desk to take care of these things does not attract me at all, and almost sorry for my sister Claudia, who was forced to keep a record all day long! Certainly not a job suited to a woman. However, life here in Monteriggioni runs slow and boring ... I was in Uncle Mario not resist the urge to participate at the forefront of the fight against the dogs crazy and against the conspirators. I, however, the other day I went to San Gimignano and I received many letters from our noble lord, requests for murder me closer and closer to my goal. Once I had to kill the leader of a guild of gunsmiths corrupt, another of the guards, it seems that here in the former territory Something of the nettle has not been completely eradicated. I also visited the tomb in the Torre Grossa Assassin! It was not easy, swarming with guards, not as the splendid cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Who would have thought that one of the many places where I climbed for fun hiding this huge secret! Now I have to go find the mercenary Uncle Mario. Damn Templars, if you read these pages know that the death of my loved ones will be avenged! DOGS!

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The derby Champions "knocks, Lazio opens the doors to their fans. Not many, just under 300, but sufficient to warm the atmosphere even further ahead of next Sunday's derby. A hug is not planned, started at around 14 in front of the headquarters of the Capital. "Life or death," does not require a particular effort to interpret the banner that welcomes Zarate and his companions, while piecemeal parade with their machines. Strong and decisive tone of a figurative expression that makes it perfectly the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is waiting for the race with live across citizens. The aim of Champions, the occasion of eliminating competition in the most uncomfortable, but also the desire to erase with a sponge painful past. "This time there are no alternatives, we must win," shouts a boy Matuzalem. "You can not miss the fifth consecutive derby," raises another to falling (from Verona) Brocchi. The stakes are high, beyond the possibility of creating a groove in optical Europe almost final that counts: "In history and in our destiny, is the first citizen. Lazio forward, "read another banner colors to Lazio.
TRAINING FIRST TIME (4-4-2): Muslera, Gonzalez, Scaloni, Banner, Garrido, Foggia, Bresciano, Meghna, Del Nero, Rocchi, Kozak.
TRAINING IN TIME (4-2-3-1): Berni, Lichtsteiner, Biava, Garrido, Radu, Ledesma, Matuzalem; Sculli, Hernanes, Zarate; Floccari.
PROBABLE FORMATION ANTI-ROMA (4-2-3-1): Muslera, Lichtsteiner, Biava, Banner, Radu, Ledesma, Matuzalem; Sculli, Hernanes, Zarate; Floccari.
Zárate LEFT, NEXT Floccari, Hernanes RIP APPLAUSE - unfounded could not be a Thursday like any other. It is not even been to Zarate who, after obtaining the affection of the people ("Give him a goal, we love you!"), Earned income from the last clue Reja. The technician Gorizia has no intention to replicate the choice first leg, gave him only when shooting. He pointed at him by Palermo, will not come back in the day than expected. "Yeah I guess my play el'esultanza under the North," said the Argentine dreaming yesterday. Reja will not wake up this time, rather conciliate his premonitory vision lines up on his favorite band, that he can use it properly. At least to start moves to the left of Consolidated 4-2-3-1. He will have his back covered by Radu, but most will not be bound to dab on the rise of the slopes or Riise Vucinic doubled up on defense. That is a job that will be up to the front Sculli opposite. Meanwhile, as the former Genoa player continues to demonstrate a renewed confidence in the opponent's goal (his final today's network 2-0), the number 10 chip a couple of times the mast and tears the consensus of those present. In truth, a real rumble in the sunny afternoon was dedicated to Formello Hernanes. The Brazilian seems to trot on the field. To be honest it runs with measured steps and little desire to incur an unnecessary risk of physical nature. Sips even games of legs, but can not resist the temptation to light up when the ball before the rears on the edge of the eyes: right wheel of rare beauty and ball in the bag (it was 1-0). Sculli Hernanes e Zàrate, è il tridente di trequartisti schierato in blocco alle spalle di Floccari. Il segnale sembra evidente, Reja anche contro i giallorossi calerà lo stesso poker dell’ultimo impegno. Kozak ci proverà fino alla fine a convincere Reja, ma la sensazione è che il dado sia già tratto. Il ceco dovrebbe partire dalla panchina.
NUOVO STOP PER ROCCHI E BRESCIANO - Sembrava finalmente orientato verso lo stesso destino anche Rocchi, schierato nel primo tempo del test. Stava andando tutto bene, ma poco dopo aver sfiorato l’incrocio con un bel destro a rientrare ha nuovamente sentito un fastidio al ginocchio sinistro. Quello che l’ha tormentato dall’8 gennaio a pochi giorni fa. Il dolore si è riacutizzato, will deepen in the coming hours the situation. Easier than Sunday to Reja's side on the bench there is Foggia. There may not be even one for Brocchi (recovering from an injury to the rectus femoris), which together with Mauri (adductor problem has not yet passed) held an athletic work differently. Reja has yet to recover it at the last minute, put it in the list of second-line and maybe use it in case one of Ledesma (most fit) and Matuzalem ever require replacement during construction. At present in the area of \u200b\u200bthe field are the only alternatives Gonzalez (but is better seen as outside) and Meghna, because during today's match was stopped again Mark Bresciano, "Resentment at the left thigh muscle, the magnitude of which will be evaluated tomorrow," said the official gazette, which is already two days ago had revealed a problem in the light of the facts is clearly not resolved.
DIAS OUT - perhaps even less hope of answering this call of Brocchi's got to defend Andre Dias. He continues to leave open a crack, is also ready to risk a relapse to be there, but is not entitled to the same view, the medical staff, which today has followed the work in the physiotherapy gym. To dampen hopes the verdict was instrumental in the investigation yesterday that while showing un “modico miglioramento” non ha potuto nascondere l’evidenza dei fatti. L’edema e la lesione all’altezza del muscolo adduttore della coscia sinistra non è stato ancora del tutto smaltito. Domaniproverà a tornare in campo, ma a meno di miracoli al fianco di Biava ci sarà Stendardo

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"Derby difficult, but I want a Lazio determined and winning!"

Claudio Lotito, presidente della Lazio, ha guardato al derby di domenica: «Ogni partita fa storia a sé - ha iniziato - e per noi quella di domenica sarà molto difficile. Mi aspetto che la Lazio scenda in campo determinata, vincente, volitiva e umile per ottenere certi risultati. La Roma farà tutto per ottenere i tre punti, ma anche noi. Zarate sarà in field? I do not know, the training makes the coach and choose the most functional elements to the game. We are waiting for this challenge, but I'm in a good mood as always. "

SCULL - undermined the health problem that struck last Sunday Sculli ("Talk about root causes before they are completed all the exams out of place. I appreciate and commend the willingness of the CONI to assist them in investigations, but there is no the need '), spoke about the difficult time for Italian football: "It's a serious problem the elimination of two of our teams to the knockout stages and we have to think about. The teams that go through all stages of their property and we must focus on the law on stage to have owned plants and increase revenues. Especially now looming financial fair play '

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Tagliavento will be the arbiter of the capital derby. The whistle Terni with enviable Rome has a history (13 wins and 2 losses). On the contrary, Lazio (6 wins, 2 draws and 5 lost), that the whistle Terni has always had a number of problems, since this was involved in a match on the Calciopoli for Lazio. Also in the derby last year confirmed the "luck" of Rome, since they closed the match at 2-1 for Roma. Little curiosity: the fourth man will Damato, Friday last at the center of controversy for having denied three penalties against Lecce at the team Montella.

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Hello all! am here today to announce a very important warning about a doll who try to steal your account by deception.

A year ago LadyGagaDivina wanted to steal my account, but I gave him my password, but I gave the password for my dolls secondary ( monella993 , now deleted), and that made me stole the doll!

Even abiba7 tried to extort the pass but could not!
The excuse they use most often is: My father gave me two Gift Card, I could give you one! Want it? But you give me the pass! Have trust in me!

Tuesday, March 8, my friend Bringhston MissPacca contact me by telling me they stole the account. I say how come? She: I had promised a refill.


I leave you by saying do not be persuaded by this nonsense! And do not go
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Effect derby. The boom continues with: vendu you have 17,500 tickets, 2,500 just yesterday. The Curva Nord is exhausted for days, also ended the north-west of distinct coupons. The countdown has started ro puffball, derby fever rises, the coupon will be hunting until the 19 on Saturday. There is yet available in Monte Mario and the Distinguished North East, the budget for the fans of Lazio has 23,000 seats, is not yet purchased your 6000 ticket office.

- remember that in guests (played in Rome home) the sale of tickets is an open and non-holders of the fan. In Tribuna Tevere, we invest, the purchase of tickets is available only to subscribers bile, the elderly, and don them under 14 years. The sale has taken them to act by Monday, the receivers were stormed in the house Lazio is expected to sell out. A single person can buy a maximum of four tickets, there are only three days to close. The prez zi: But you are starting from Tribuna Monte Rio North Side, the entire ticket is co € 110 for categories Under 14 (born after 'January 1, 1997), Don and I
Over 60 (born October until 31 December 1950) the reduced price was fixed at 60 € Sato. Other areas: Tri buna Tiber Lato Nord 55 euro, Di stinti Nord Est 30 euro. Inoltre, è vietato il cambio nominativo, chi ac quista il biglietto è obbligato a mo strare un documento di identità. Stesso discorso per i minorenni, per i quali è necessario esibire il docu mento di identificazione rilasciato dal Comune. Tutto è ormai pronto: i tifosi sono scatenati, la scenografia resta ancora top-secret, ma i settori della Lazio regaleranno effetti spe ciali. Sarà uno spettacolo maestoso, orchestrato dai pennelli di Massimo Disegnello, artista storico della Cur va Nord. Una coreografia dedicata unicamente alla Lazio, l'ironia nei confronti dei tifosi giallorossi sarà solo una piccola parte di quanto an drà in scena domenica pomeriggio. L'iniziativa “fischietti the derby is confirmed, many will

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Sculli expect answers. Lazio rejects the intervention of the CONI ... why?

Lazio hopes to find an allergy to re move Sculli hands do between now and when will the results of ana lysis of the blood in which the attacker biancoce leste was submitted yesterday morning to cli Nica Paideia. Two hours later, around 10.30 am, was already supporting the cam while the lenamento orders Reja, who considered totally dera
to fi der by the Olympic stadium on Sunday. In at tense to know exactly what triggers
hives that had forced him to the ski in the field during the game against Palermo, the company has biancoceleste di fatto ufficializzato l’esclusione di qual siasi collegamento con la vernice usata per colorare il prato dell’Olimpico ( e non solo) dopo gli interventi di rizollatu ra.

Questa era stata la prima ipotesi formulata dalla stessa Lazio ( ne aveva parlato Reja in conferenza stampa) al l’esplodere dell’allergia di Sculli, che era rientrato negli spogliatoi durante l’inter vallo
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. Proprio per approfondire il tema in materia di sa lute degli atleti e per scongiurare qualsiasi possibile relazione con i prodotti di ma nutenzione some of the sample, with a spirit of collaboration, the cones

(operator and owner of Olympian) on Tuesday sent a letter to Lazio by offering its willingness to part with their experts to participate in diagnostic tests it has undergone Sculli. The company biancoceleste did not think there was a need to participate with the consultants

Monday, watching the classic protocol, the medical staff had reported to the Lazio CEFTA (Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee) the use of corticosteroids in the range interval of the match to meet emergency needs. Cortisone is one of them is the restricted substances: si può usare, se segnalato, solo a fini terapeu tici. Sculli, domenica notte, dopo la partita, era stato portato dalla Lazio anche all’ospeda le Gemelli. Le analisi dovranno dare una ri sposta all’esplodere dell’allergia: tra le va rie ipotesi, che sono a decine, ci possono esse re la puntura di un insetto, fattori alimen­tari, farmaci o altro. Sculli, prima di pran zo, aveva assunto del Voltaren, antinfiam­matorio di uso comune per i calciatori. Una doppietta al Palermo, le preoccupazioni fu gate per l’allergia. L’ex attaccante del Ge noa sta bene, si è allenato con intensità du­rante la settimana e ora punta la Roma.

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Lotito: "too many defeats, it's time to win!"

'Il derby and 'a crucial match, like any self-respecting derby. We come from Rome with the challenges that we have been defeated, I hope that this' does not happen.'' Claudio Lotito, Lazio president, is preparing for the derby on Sunday. Biancocelesti I must defend the fourth place. The Rome and 'reduce elimination in the second round of the Champions League. ''The Giallorossi are in trouble '? Every race is a different story if ', we must be determined, humble, strong-willed and self-sacrifice,''said Lotito to Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli

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THE RATON Zarate, BLASTING OUT THE DERBY misplaced. MAURO ear plugs!

safeguard our Lazio. Salvaguardiamola in the weeks leading up to the Derby. The words of Sergio Zarate, brother Mauro, returning to undermine peace in the house biancoceleste on the eve of a derby important. Misplaced his statements, as well as the desire to go and search at a time that would, for Zarate, an emotional crossroads.

On the one hand a chance to see a strong reaction, the other one more negative to support the family.

is not blasphemous to say, in fact, that much of the problem 'Zarate' was founded by an entourage that protected him like Maradona's successor, also defending it from criticism fair and justified. An attitude that has made Zarate an immature boy, believed to have come to be a champion when, in fact, that axiom is everything to prove.

In the heart of every fan he harbors the desire to see him rise again, perhaps even against Roma. But he, above all, should understand that people rely on more serious could be the first step to find the humility that can give new life to his talent, not clouded by the tactics and the will to Reja, but from himself. As in a continuous and steady implosion.

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Zárate UPLOAD DERBY! "Yeah my dream and play in the North ... the joy fly the Rome and fly to more than 8 points to the third place!

If the coach makes me beat the game also brings punishment. " The "Champions derby" is coming, the adrenaline rises, the mind discovers nostalgic, quickly traces the feelings of that 12 April 2009, when he put in ginocchio con un capolavoro d’alta scuola i dirimpettai cittadini. Immagini sbiadite di un Mauro Zàrate vecchia maniera. Quasi due anni dopo, polemiche e capi d’accusa gli hanno reso la vita più tortuosa, ma non sono riusciti a togliergli quella spasmodica attesa da derby. Quel desiderio di lasciare il segno e di abbracciare la sua gente festante. E’ tanto per cambiare il suo giorno. Per l’ennesima volta è rimbalzato in cima agli onori della cronaca biancoceleste per le intempestive considerazioni di colui che dovrebbe curare solo i suoi interessi. “Mauro non è un terzino, così lo distruggeranno”, ha tuonato questa mattina l’inopportuno fratello-agente Sergio. Lui fa melina, sfiora solo di striscio l’argomento, rivendicando meriti che non rientrano pienamente nel suo modo di concepire calcio. E’ un “amante de la bola”, probabilmente ne farebbe a meno di rincorrere gli avversari, ma si adegua, evitando di cavalcare il tormentone: “Domenica ho fatto un grande lavoro, non appariscente, ma efficace – ha spiegato Mauro Zàrate ai microfoni di Lazio Style Radio - . Ho coperto, mi sono sacrificato, ho fatto un lavoro che non rientra pienamente nelle mie caratteristiche ma non mi dispiace”. Nomina spesso la parola “mister”, come se volesse lanciare un messaggio ai navigatori (il fratello è in procinto di partire per assistere al derby, in compagnia della madre e del padre). Non è tempo to break, it's time to unite, to travel in one direction, towards Europe, the one that counts and that dream of visiting for many years: "With the coach everything is fine, sometimes there is a debate in the field, but there is no problem - still the number 10 -. We all have the same goal, we are a united group and convinced that he knows what he wants. " The Champions League at all costs: "We do not want to lose the fourth place, is what we are chasing for a long time. We hope to get there and beyond, we also strive to third place as the Naples there is only two points. " The team that worries him most of the race for Udinese dream is - "He many technically strong players "- but in the bottom of his heart will not fear anyone. Betting on himself, as well as Reja on Sunday will allow you the chance to get back in the days leading most anticipated: "I feel good, I spoke with the coach, I asked permission to do the job differently, a little reminder of preparation and now I feel much better. " E 'in trance competitive, wants to cancel the match of the progress, Reja surprise when the captain chose to Rocchi. Do not let you go to superstitious gestures, but already a foretaste of the triumphal scene: "I guess already that I will play, dribbling, trade with friends, hopefully a really great game to scream under the Curva Nord. Listening to the chorus with me last Sunday at the stadium I uploaded a lot, made me think of the derby. It 'the only thing on my mind right now. For the people is the most important match and they are right. Sunday can not be a different result from the victory. The last four times we lost, but we let them win on Sunday to 8 points behind. We must do our utmost to bring home this victory. "

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a step backwards for Mauri, ONE FOR NEXT BROCCHI!

A step back for a forward Stefano Mauri and Cristian Brocchi. Four days before the derby there is something going biancoceleste infirmary. A bench press there are only le condizioni di Andrè Dias, ma anche quelle del brianzolo e dell’ex rossonero. Il primo, dopo il periodo di riabilitazione trascorso nel centro specializzato di Cesenativo, sembrava ormai proiettato sulla via del recupero. Una convinzione che l’aveva portato ad allenarsi in gruppo nella giornata di ieri ed in parte in quella odierna e che, se confermata, avrebbe lasciato aperto uno spiraglio quanto meno per la panchina. Difficilmente il progetto potrà essere realizzato. Il principio di pubalgia non è stato ancora del tutto smaltito: “La sua situazione non è ancora del tutto risolta, dovremo avere ancora pazienza. Da domani il calciatore riprenderà ad alternare un lavoro differenziato in campo con le cure del caso”, ha explained in the evening the doctor Roberto Bianchi to Lazio Style Radio microphones. If the Brianza is gradually losing all hope to enter the list of those summoned, has reversed the path of Brocchi. The median Lombard, back from an injury to the rectus femoris muscle, ended the period of mini-sessions specific to Verona and from tomorrow afternoon at 15, will return to train with the rest of the company. Will have three days to convince Reja: at least the bench is no longer impossible. As for Tommaso Rocchi: "Now we can consider it clever and enlisted," he ruled Bianchini.

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The choreography will be binding, cloth of 1600 square meters will be rolled out fully, will also involve the distinct ABSOLUTELY MUST succeed, then everyone is in the stadium Sunday should be aware that is an active member of the same, then before the game started with a glance to identify organizers that will give guidelines and stick to them, I do not know what is and is not formed as know, one thing I want to make very clear, any material or you will end Sunday will give you the seat, NOT USED during heating or case before the choreography, everything must be coordinated ... because not all read Lazio forums if you have someone next to you at the stadium that shall comply with the order information recall it, we do not like last year that the flags were waving in the pre-game as well, if 50 people start to wave, it is a moment that the whole stadium goes below .... je
There are guys who are working day and night to make it, it takes a moment to ruin it, do you remember last year what the south has done? We avoid here ... thanks to all of Forza Lazio

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Derby, the Curva Nord wants to return to astonish: a majestic backdrop to "take back the story" The verdict

Back to the show in Curva Nord, Lazio back the soul of one who never gives up, that there is always the (few) joys and (many) hard times. Lazio fans are back, those veri, quelli che hanno stupito, meravigliato ed emozionato intere tifoserie d'Italia e d'Europa. Quella ferita aperta di una Curva spaccata e orfana ormai dei condottieri che la guidavano, gli Irriducibili, sembra a poco a poco rimarginarsi, sembra guardare al futuro, sembra voler riscrivere una storia che negli ultimi anni, soprattutto dopo l'arrivo del presidente Lotito nella gestione della società – pur sempre contestato nonostante un quarto posto che sa di Europa che conta – ha avuto troppo poco il sapore di lazialità. E se contro il Palermo si era tornati a vedere finalmente l'amore più vero dei tifosi biancocelesti, una Curva Nord piena che fino al fischio finale ha voluto sostenere le aquile in campo, domenica nel derby numero 168 in the history of the capital will be expected really a magnificent spectacle. While fundraising continues between supporters Square Bishop, the pub Excalibur, Lazio artists are making a scene of excitement and surprise those who know: Do not miss the teasing sound typical of a derby, so that all fans will be ready with their whistles to make fun of the yellow and red cousins, perhaps too favored by arbitration oversights during the season, it would be part of the set was designed especially for the refrain by now that you never stop to repeat with a little 'of goliardia' Penalty PE Rome '. But the irony about the referees and the yellow and red will be only a small part of what will staged at the Olympic Stadium, a huge canvas is staglierà across the Curva Nord and the thought makes me shudder, brings to mind images of faded glory and success, Lazio and faith of these colors, for those years when the Lazio has succeeded with its champions to write the history of football in Italy and Europe. The content of those secrets to be preserved at all costs and on the other hand would miss that shot to the heart and those chills to know him before the derby. What is certain is that they orchestrate brushes and paints to create a triumph of color and spectacle will be to Massimo "Disegnello, the artist's historic North Bend, who has been able to enchant with its scenery addirittura gli sponsor della Coca-Cola, quando in quel derby del 18 febbraio 1996 un imponente firmamento con stelle e pianeti a circondare un mappamondo lasciò tutti senza parole. 'In tutto il firmamento sei sempre la più bella': ricordi e brividi di una stracittadina conquistata per 1-0 grazie al gol di Beppe Signori, ricordi e brividi per una lazialità d'altri tempi. Un anno dopo, il primo novembre '97, una maestosa aquila imperiale con il motto 'Osare, credere, spavaldi di essere' primeggiava in tutta la Curva Nord, a simboleggiare la supremazia di una Lazio che avrebbe vinto anche quel derby con un tale Roberto Mancini, una Lazio quella di Eriksson che di lì a qualche anno avrebbe conquistato il suo secondo scudetto. Lazialità e effort to create true works of art that can express all the passion and faith for these colors. From the Adda Cragnotti - to which the same 'Disegnello' dedicated a portrait in celebration of the Centenary biancoceleste, as well as the historic founder Louis Whitethroat - maybe something has changed, the Lazio star has had to gradually reduce the group and expectations but was never alone because the Lazio fans know, even in difficulties 'Never give up'. And on Sunday for this much-awaited derby for an immense desire for redemption will come back to impress, will once again be the twelfth man on the field as they have always shown, will return to ring in the Olympus choirs and enthusiasm in recent years have always been too tarnished by critics and whistles, will return in a dream Champions League now because we believe they, too, always so skeptical, pointing out a banner for a few years ago: 'Europe to reclaim the story'.

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Dias paws, the medical verdict brakes. This morning, six days from the accident, had returned to training on the pitch, albeit in a different way than the rest of the team. A mild stroke, a touch of the ball in the company of trainer Bianchini and above all hope that the findings of the afternoon would have allowed doctors to step up the work as early as tomorrow. E il verdetto, pur evidenziando un "modico miglioramento" - così recita il bollettino medico ufficiale della società - sia clinico che radiologico della situazione pregressa, non può nascondere ancora l’evidenza. La presenza dell’edema e della lesione di primo grado sull’adduttore della coscia sinistra è ancora presente. Ha bisogno di ulteriori trattamenti fisioterapici per essere definitivamente riassorbiti. L’ex San Paolo non ha nessuna intenzione di disertare la stracittadina, vuole vincere la scommessa fatta giovedì scorso poco dopo lo stop, ma deve ancora fare i conti con la presenza del problema, che difficilmente anche domani gli permetterà di allenarsi con il resto del gruppo. Le prossime 48 ore saranno decisive, but the feeling is that at present there is more skepticism than confidence. Where the lump sum were to be confirmed will be confirmed Banner.

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"Mauro is not 'a quarterback." To Radio Mana 'Mana', Sergio Zarate, Mauro's brother and attorney, takes the defenses of the attacker biancazzurri: "I have not talked to has said Mauritania, but personally I am not happy with the position in which he played against the Palermo ". A position which, in its view, could affect performance: "My brother is not 'a quarterback, played Sunday at 5 meters from Radu, most of the time was near the door Muslera. In this so we will never see the real-Zarate said-so 'footballing destroy it. "The future does not balance," We still have a 3 year contract with Lazio, recalls, and we intend to respect it, unless you arrive a team ready to do business with Lotito. "But on this second hypothesis would rather cut short:" This is 'another story. "As for the derby on Sunday afternoon, Sergio assures:" Saro' in Rome for the game. "His only desire ? "I just hope to see my brother in the attack.

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morning training session for Lazio Edy Reja. At 10:30 Lazio players were left on the field of sports center panels that continue a preparare l’importante sfida di domenica alla Roma di Montella. La buona notizia della giornata è il ritorno all’attività per Andrè Dias. Il difensore brasiliano, che sta provando in tutti i modi a recuperare per tempo per il derby, ha svolto lavoro differenziato assieme al preparatore atletico Bianchini. Rimane ancora in forte dubbio la sua presenza ma la sua forza d’animo e lo straordinario fisico di cui è dotato lasciano ben sperare lo staff medico laziale che ha comunque ribadito ,nella giornata di ieri, che il gigante verdeoro giocherà solo se sarà al 100% della condizione.

Dopo l’assenza giustificata di ieri è tornato ad allenarsi regolarmente Stephan Lichtsteiner. Lo svizzero ha sostenuto due giorni di cure specifiche in patria e oggi si è regolarmente messo a disposizione di Mister Edy Reja. Anche Foggia e Bresciano hanno partecipato alla seduta mattutina con il gruppo.

Continua il programma di recupero di Stefano Mauri che anche oggi ha lavorato insieme ai compagni per l’intera sessione di allenamento. Il numero 5 biancoceleste corre verso la convocazione per la gara con la Roma. A distanza di più di un mese dall'ultima apparizione con la maglia biancoceleste il centrocampista della Nazionale potrà tornare a calcare l'erba dell'Olimpico anche se ,probabilmente, Reja lo farà entrare nella ripresa per fargli riprendere gradualmente il ritmo partita.

Tommaso Rocchi sta lavorando duramente per convincere il tecnico di Gorizia a convocarlo già per la stracittadina di domenica

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ROMA-LAZIO Floccari: 'THANK YOU FANS .. NOW I WANT TO LEAVE YOUR MARK! Now the Derby and then the Champions!'

Quel rigore sbagliato nel derby dello scorso anno ancora un po' pesa, ma nel calcio bisogna voltare pagina. Ed e' quello che ha fatto Sergio Floccari, tra i protagonisti piu' attesi del Roma-Lazio in programma domenica. L'attaccante biancoceleste, intervistato da Sky Sport, ammette che quell'errore dal dischetto: "mi e' molto pesato, inutile dire quanto uno ci tenga a lasciare il segno. All'epoca ci rimasi malissimo e devo ringraziare i tifosi della Lazio per il supporto. Non e' scontato che la gente ti stia vicino, manifesti la sua stima nei tuoi confronti e per questo li ringraziero' sempre, mi hanno aiutato much to recover. "He explained:" For me it was a great sorrow 'cause I want so much to Lazio and fortunately the football' have a chance 'to make up. "From Sunday, for what will be'" a derby is very important for many reasons. The first and 'that is' the game', but now also has a lot to the table. Roma have experienced difficult times and will have 'desire for redemption, to continue the journey, but it will be' important for us to consolidate our ranks as we did really well. "Floccari itself as the man-derby" but the difference must do the Lazio team must deal with the lot together with the mentality of 'just as we have had so far. We have many solutions elements in pink and very gifted technically, there are more 'men who can decide the derby. "And that's a derby it has decided on the other side, now sits on the bench. See Montella Roma coach' a bit of it like - recognizes Floccari - we used to see him on about

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The derby is' a crucial match, like any self-respecting derby. We come from Rome with the challenges that we have been defeated, I hope that this' does not happen.'' Claudio Lotito, Lazio president, is preparing for the derby on Sunday. Biancocelesti I must defend the fourth place. The Rome and 'reduce elimination in the second round of the Champions League. The Giallorossi'' are in trouble '? Every race is a different story if ', we must be determined, humble, strong-willed and self-sacrifice,''said Lotito to Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli.

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Ivan Zazzaroni, columnist of the Sunday Sport, went down hard against the league, while transmitting Number Two:

"We need the field in slow motion. It 'a shame that in 2011 are in football, the man replacing technology. We must do a crusade in favor of the field in slow motion, so as not to favor only certain teams. "

Entering the deep of this, Zazzaroni gives as an example the Champions race.

"The rivalry in the race for Champions of Naples, excluding the first two below, are Lazio and Udinese. Of course if they continue to make up the Rome .."