employees (CLOSED)
I'm back.
Then reorganize the blog, here is the list of collaborators that we are now:
Allocca: Head of things for free
Bambola.fashion Cape
Missstellola99 News: Head of before and after
We are looking for:
Collaborator of free stuff Collaborator News
head of fashion and makeup book section of the Cape
makeup tutorial
Cape competitions
So if you have one of these roles you must have the following requirements:
-On stardoll you must have at least 500 starpoint
-You must have a blogger account
-You must know how to write posts on blogger
-If you take an assignment you have to maintain it, then you have to continually post (if you some problems and you can not post, do not worry)
Then when I have chosen the best company, you will write a post in the banner to use the character to be used, What are your roles etc. ..
condidarvi If you want to fill out the form below
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