Thursday, March 10, 2011

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The Adventure Diaries: Templars to death! (Sixth episode - Assassin's Creed 2)

Hello everyone, today I
public another episode of the adventure diaries, stories of characters who play video games! In this episode we go to a salsa oldest and Renaissance: in fact, in this episode read the adventures of "Ezio Auditor", the famous murderess in Florence Assassin's Creed 2! What else to say, happy reading!

WARNING! To avoid spoilers is not recommended reading if you do not have completed the sequence of four in the game.

This story intrigues me a lot. So why not start keeping a history of my actions I too? Something you remember all the suffering I have suffered and the adventures that I faced, I met the Miss and the battles won. Of course, those who head to encrypt everything? My adventures will be open to those who want to read it once I'm dead, not like those of that other murderess, Altair, which has spread everywhere and wrote them in a manner nothing short of incomprehensible. Fortunate to have as a friend Messer Leonardo allowed me to get on top of the riddles hidden in them anyway. Uncle Mario said that he and my father had deciphered some of them, then under a watchful eye can be restored to their original shape. But I do not have the temperament for this kind of thing! My mind is a combative, dedicated to fighting and action star behind a desk to take care of these things does not attract me at all, and almost sorry for my sister Claudia, who was forced to keep a record all day long! Certainly not a job suited to a woman. However, life here in Monteriggioni runs slow and boring ... I was in Uncle Mario not resist the urge to participate at the forefront of the fight against the dogs crazy and against the conspirators. I, however, the other day I went to San Gimignano and I received many letters from our noble lord, requests for murder me closer and closer to my goal. Once I had to kill the leader of a guild of gunsmiths corrupt, another of the guards, it seems that here in the former territory Something of the nettle has not been completely eradicated. I also visited the tomb in the Torre Grossa Assassin! It was not easy, swarming with guards, not as the splendid cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Who would have thought that one of the many places where I climbed for fun hiding this huge secret! Now I have to go find the mercenary Uncle Mario. Damn Templars, if you read these pages know that the death of my loved ones will be avenged! DOGS!

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The derby Champions "knocks, Lazio opens the doors to their fans. Not many, just under 300, but sufficient to warm the atmosphere even further ahead of next Sunday's derby. A hug is not planned, started at around 14 in front of the headquarters of the Capital. "Life or death," does not require a particular effort to interpret the banner that welcomes Zarate and his companions, while piecemeal parade with their machines. Strong and decisive tone of a figurative expression that makes it perfectly the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is waiting for the race with live across citizens. The aim of Champions, the occasion of eliminating competition in the most uncomfortable, but also the desire to erase with a sponge painful past. "This time there are no alternatives, we must win," shouts a boy Matuzalem. "You can not miss the fifth consecutive derby," raises another to falling (from Verona) Brocchi. The stakes are high, beyond the possibility of creating a groove in optical Europe almost final that counts: "In history and in our destiny, is the first citizen. Lazio forward, "read another banner colors to Lazio.
TRAINING FIRST TIME (4-4-2): Muslera, Gonzalez, Scaloni, Banner, Garrido, Foggia, Bresciano, Meghna, Del Nero, Rocchi, Kozak.
TRAINING IN TIME (4-2-3-1): Berni, Lichtsteiner, Biava, Garrido, Radu, Ledesma, Matuzalem; Sculli, Hernanes, Zarate; Floccari.
PROBABLE FORMATION ANTI-ROMA (4-2-3-1): Muslera, Lichtsteiner, Biava, Banner, Radu, Ledesma, Matuzalem; Sculli, Hernanes, Zarate; Floccari.
Zárate LEFT, NEXT Floccari, Hernanes RIP APPLAUSE - unfounded could not be a Thursday like any other. It is not even been to Zarate who, after obtaining the affection of the people ("Give him a goal, we love you!"), Earned income from the last clue Reja. The technician Gorizia has no intention to replicate the choice first leg, gave him only when shooting. He pointed at him by Palermo, will not come back in the day than expected. "Yeah I guess my play el'esultanza under the North," said the Argentine dreaming yesterday. Reja will not wake up this time, rather conciliate his premonitory vision lines up on his favorite band, that he can use it properly. At least to start moves to the left of Consolidated 4-2-3-1. He will have his back covered by Radu, but most will not be bound to dab on the rise of the slopes or Riise Vucinic doubled up on defense. That is a job that will be up to the front Sculli opposite. Meanwhile, as the former Genoa player continues to demonstrate a renewed confidence in the opponent's goal (his final today's network 2-0), the number 10 chip a couple of times the mast and tears the consensus of those present. In truth, a real rumble in the sunny afternoon was dedicated to Formello Hernanes. The Brazilian seems to trot on the field. To be honest it runs with measured steps and little desire to incur an unnecessary risk of physical nature. Sips even games of legs, but can not resist the temptation to light up when the ball before the rears on the edge of the eyes: right wheel of rare beauty and ball in the bag (it was 1-0). Sculli Hernanes e Zàrate, è il tridente di trequartisti schierato in blocco alle spalle di Floccari. Il segnale sembra evidente, Reja anche contro i giallorossi calerà lo stesso poker dell’ultimo impegno. Kozak ci proverà fino alla fine a convincere Reja, ma la sensazione è che il dado sia già tratto. Il ceco dovrebbe partire dalla panchina.
NUOVO STOP PER ROCCHI E BRESCIANO - Sembrava finalmente orientato verso lo stesso destino anche Rocchi, schierato nel primo tempo del test. Stava andando tutto bene, ma poco dopo aver sfiorato l’incrocio con un bel destro a rientrare ha nuovamente sentito un fastidio al ginocchio sinistro. Quello che l’ha tormentato dall’8 gennaio a pochi giorni fa. Il dolore si è riacutizzato, will deepen in the coming hours the situation. Easier than Sunday to Reja's side on the bench there is Foggia. There may not be even one for Brocchi (recovering from an injury to the rectus femoris), which together with Mauri (adductor problem has not yet passed) held an athletic work differently. Reja has yet to recover it at the last minute, put it in the list of second-line and maybe use it in case one of Ledesma (most fit) and Matuzalem ever require replacement during construction. At present in the area of \u200b\u200bthe field are the only alternatives Gonzalez (but is better seen as outside) and Meghna, because during today's match was stopped again Mark Bresciano, "Resentment at the left thigh muscle, the magnitude of which will be evaluated tomorrow," said the official gazette, which is already two days ago had revealed a problem in the light of the facts is clearly not resolved.
DIAS OUT - perhaps even less hope of answering this call of Brocchi's got to defend Andre Dias. He continues to leave open a crack, is also ready to risk a relapse to be there, but is not entitled to the same view, the medical staff, which today has followed the work in the physiotherapy gym. To dampen hopes the verdict was instrumental in the investigation yesterday that while showing un “modico miglioramento” non ha potuto nascondere l’evidenza dei fatti. L’edema e la lesione all’altezza del muscolo adduttore della coscia sinistra non è stato ancora del tutto smaltito. Domaniproverà a tornare in campo, ma a meno di miracoli al fianco di Biava ci sarà Stendardo

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