Monday, February 28, 2011

First Birthday Tutus And Leggings

cookies: the "taste" of surprise (Episode 2)

Hello everyone, the baby continues
book reviews of casual games! For a particular game was released today and honestly I've always liked a lot: none other than Final Fantasy XII! But do not reveal more, happy reading!


I pressed the button "Open That cookie!" prepared to find some kind of indecent another game from my archive. After trying Ratchet & Clank Size Matters now I could really find anything. When it was released FF XII, I was pleasantly surprised, though with a touch of bitterness. Oh yes, why in this kind of games when you resume play you feel a bit 'lost, because you have to remember how they worked the patterns that you planned the last time you played. It 's so I got the official guide and I started to work ...


essentially give you two tips: 1
. Giocatelo NOT on an HD TV
2. If you just use a HD TV on a PS3 giocatelo NOT backwards compatible
Actually I was in the second case and it was not funny. First HDTV on the characters were horrible, because the old graphics the ps2 was not at all defined, while that of HD TV has a great definition, with the result that the screen can be seen quite blurry / pixelated. In addition, the PS3 has some ways that are "full screen" and "normal screen" and you can not find the suitable combination between the TV and the PS3 will see the image too crushed, or too high, or with the edges of blacks, or whatever. My TV has spent 80% of the time to change format at every change of scene and it truly is quite stressful.
If you refer to an old CRT TV to be a PS2 graphics is not bad, in fact, it's also quite prepared, in my opinion. Landscapes and special effects of course are characteristic of Square Enix. We can not rely on the graphic perfection of FF XIII, but XII is worthy of its predecessor.


precision machined from a fantastic orchestra Square is naturally beautiful from every point of view. Among the other returning reworking of classic pieces, like the fanfare of victory. In my opinion one of the loads and majestic pieces of the soundtrack of this game is the soundtrack for "Boss Battle", which you can hear in most boss battles, from the earliest moments of the game.


Probably one of the weak points of the game. It 's very very confused, at any moment the goal of the journey of the protagonists change and there is never a fixed destination. It starts with the idea of \u200b\u200brobbing a house, you end up looking for giant swords, stones, trinkets, earrings, lipstick, nail polish with fantastic names like "Tweezer for eyebrows of wisdom" or "blender blades enchanted by" etc. etc.. Of course there are also subquest 8000 and the game loses a lot. Honestly, when I found myself back on the game in place and did not remember because we had done or where to go.

Gameplay Gameplay and

This product is a very special player in the combat system that allows you to play even when you do not have the play station 3 before! Unlike the old episodes, where you select what you had to do each character and the game was played in shifts, much of the fighting in this episode is developed before the fight. That seems so strange, but under careful analysis we can see what this system is smart and comfortable. The Square has called Gambit: the AI \u200b\u200bis to create each pg so that it knows what to do in every situation. A gambit is standard for a magician for example:

Allied with HP <10%

this way if one of the pg begins to lose the energy the magician of the group will automatically take care of him. What is the advantage of this fighting system? First, you can develop new strategies at any time. The combat system, can be varied depending on the situation and all the gameplay is faster: instead of having to select the action of each pg one by one, select only those actions that we want to change compared to the standard combat. A word that sounds complicated, but with a little 'in practice it turns out that it is simple and intuitive.
Speaking of combat options there are many, too many: tonnellate di magie e tecniche, così tante che alcune vi dimenticherete addirittura di averle.
Oltre a riportare gli standard di ogni Final Fantasy tengo a sottolineare quanto questo episodio sia longevo: quando ho aperto il disco mi sono reso conto di avere 102 ore di gioco e non averlo ancora finito. Questo perchè ci sono tantissime subquest, boss opzionali e magie e pezzi dell'inventario da sbloccare. In effetti non so se il fatto che il gioco sia così lungo può essere considerato positivo o negativo, penso dipenda dai punti di vista.

Riuscirò mai a finire questo gioco? Non ne sono sicuro: è troppo lungo e ampio. E poi una volta finito There are other quests to complete. According to the Guinness World Record of video games, the dragon Yazmat, one of the secret boss of the game, is the most resistant of all the Final Fantasy created so far, from its 50 million HP. And new strategies, new spells ... there is still plenty to do. And then I come to say that the mark Square is not a guarantee!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rawlings Primo Is It Worth The Money

before and after February 25

if you want a before and after click here

Land Line Phone Listings

[IMPORTANT!] DRONE FOR PARROT own the car, must be read! The new Google service

I had not planned this article, but when I presented this problem was I had to put it immediately in order to preserve other quadricotteri list. The mine is now gone but I find a way to readjust, even if it takes a lot ...

Prima di iniziare a spiegarvi la situazione vi scrivo il concetto subito:


E adesso vi spiego il perchè.
Stamattina avevo deciso di far volare il mio AR drone dato che presto avrei dovuto scriverci un articolo per il blog. C'era bel tempo, poco vento, non faceva freddo, era domenica... era la giornata ideale. Ho attaccato la batteria al quadricottero e l'ho collegato all'iphone. L'app di radiocomando free flight mi ha avvertito che dovevo aggiornare il firmware del quadricottero. In effetti lo sapevo già perchè poco tempo prima avevo già aggiornato l'app e nelle caratteristiche era segnato che c'era un nuovo firmware per l'AR drone; e in effetti avevo deciso di far volare il mio quadricottero anche per poterlo aggiornare. Così ho iniziato la procedura d'aggiornamento, ho riavviato il quadricottero quando richiesto e sono passato all'installazione. Dopo venti minuti l'installazione non era ancora finita. Allora ho provato a riavviare l'applicazione e ho scoperto che l'iphone non riusciva a collegarsi più al drone. Inoltre i quattro led rimanevano rossi e non cambiava nulla. Dopo un po' ho provato a staccare e riattaccare di nuovo la batteria: i led sono diventati di nuovo rossi e non è cambiato nulla; niente connessione wireless. Allora ho girato il quadricottero è ho premuto il pulsante unpair e il reset: nessuno dei due reagiva. Preoccupato dall'idea che il mio prezioso quadricottero si fosse rotto ho iniziato a cercare su internet una soluzione. Ho trovato questo materiale:

1. Durata degli aggiornamenti
Ho scoperto innanzitutto che la colpa del bloccaggio (chiamato brick) non era mia. Pare infatti secondo le istruzioni descritte dal sito che il processo d'installazione duri intorno ai 10 minuti e non mezz'ora. Inoltre, laddove si staccasse la batteria durante il processo di installazione e poi la si riattaccasse non ci sarebbero danni al firmware, si riavvierebbe semplicemente l'installazione.
"The installer takes about 10 minutes. Do not disconnect the battery. Drone until the 4 LED engine and the LED system is red. If you disconnect the battery during the update, the 'installation will start again (and again will last 10 minutes). "

2. Brickaggio multiple HR drone
It seems that the announcement of the HR drone that brick began to spread in the forum parrot. The update section is filled with posts of people who complained about the damage sustained by their HR drone brand new. Pare inoltre che, laddove il vostro AR Drone si bricki e contattiate il supporto disperati ci siano solo due soluzioni per non buttare tutto:
1. Inviare l'AR drone alla Parrot che dovrebbe occuparsi della riparazione e riinviarvelo indietro
2. Trovare un raro cavo in grado di connettere una presa USB con una presa a 6 pin (mi pare) e eseguire il ripristino firmware manualmente dal computer
In base alla testimonianza di un utente che ha inviato il suo AR drone alla Parrot, pare che questo gli sia stato restituito funzionante 5 giorni dopo l'arrivo del pacco all'azienda.
Fonti: :

I was all hyped when i saw all the youtube video's and such. Decided to buy two, one for me, 1 for my wife. I was like, while Im at it, lemme buy 2 extra batteries, and an extra propeller set. Get home and charge the batteries, make wifi network on drone and connect. Load software on ipad - it says there's an update, so i upgraded. (i always upgrade anything, usually leads to better performance). So the progress bar gets to full as its sending update to drone, everything seems ok, once its done it tells me to restart, I unplugged and replugged battery and waited, waited ......leds stayed red and unit never did get a green light on the bottom nor the ipad software do anything other than hang on installing. Both drones fail to broadcast a wifi signal. I bought one for my wife > rinse repeat. So I've spent over $700 on these drones and never flown them. As far as Im concerned I had units that dont like updating. How can they sell something that doesn't have a fall back if update fails? They need to come with a usb cable if a wifi connection cant be established. I have tried to press reset and unpair buttons, but all I get is 4 red leds and no light (color) on bottom led. Tech support walked me thru reset procedure and determined they need to be sent back to company. I cant describe how mad i was at this situation. They usually don't cover shipping cost to them and I was prepared to pitch But in They AGREED to cover shipping to Them.



I was so excited when I saw the video on youtube and the like. I decided to buy two, one for me and one for my wife. Also bought two batteries and a set of extra propellers. I come home and charge the battery, I create the network wi-fi drone on and I connect. Load the software on the iPhone - says that there is an update, so I upgraded. (Always update everything, usually leads to better results). So the progress bar dell'invio dei dati dell'aggiornamento al drone si è riempita, tutto sembrava ok, e una volta piena è uscito scritto di riavviare il drone, ho staccato e riattaccato la batteria e ho aspettato, aspettato... i led rimanevano rossi e l'unità non ha mai mostrato una luce verde sul fondo (l'autore del post intende il led di sistema del drone) nè l'app dell'ipad ha fatto altro che rimanere sopra installazione. Entrambi i drone non inviavano nessun segnale wi-fi. Ne ho comprato uno per mia moglie > stessa cosa. Quindi ho speso oltre 700$ per questi drone che non hanno mai volato. Così come sono interessato al fatto di avere delle unità a cui non piace essere aggiornate. Come possono vendere qualcosa che non può essere riavviata se l'aggiornamento fallisce? Dovrebbero venderla con un cavo USB nel caso la connessione wi-fi non possa essere stabilita. Ho provato a premere i pulsanti reset e unpair, ma tutto quello che ho ottenuto sono 4 led rossi e nessuna luce (colore) sul led sul fondo. Il supporto mi ha guidato nella procedura di reset e hanno detto che era necessario che inviassi il mio drone all'azienda. Non posso descrivere quanto mi sono arrabbiato a quel punto. Di solito non coprono i costi di spedizione verso di loro ed ero pronto ad arrabbiarmi, ma loro hanno acconsentito nel coprire i costi di spedizione. "

"update: Finally got both my drones back from parrot today. They got them on Monday, I Received Them Friday


update: Finally today I got back from my AR Drone parrot. They received Monday and it arrived Friday. "

3. The intervention of the Parrot and the functioning of the bug
Under the enormous pressure of the users Parrot has released an official statement on the forum where he writes that is analyzing the situation in depth and that the problem only occurs if you try to update your Parrot from a previous firmware to 1.4.7. Of course, this warning has been issued on the forum followed by a long series of protests from people angered by their Drone Brick.
"Hi Guys,
We are currently Investigating issues That can be experienced if your AR is not Drone on version 1.4.7 and you try to update to the latest version 1.5.1. This Seems To Affect only AR Drones That Are Older Than versions currently on 1.4.7 before the update. This Is Being Looked Into prioty with high and I will keep you posted.


Hello guys,
we are currently investigating this issue if you create your HR Drone is not the version 1.4.7 and try to upgrade to the latest version 1.5.1. It seems that this problem can only occur on AR Drone that are currently at an older version of 1.4.7 before upgrading. The problem is under study with high priority and I will keep you updated. "

These are pictures of my brick Drone, unfortunately least until the resolution of problem will not change appearance ...

If your AR is Drone and Brick do not panic: the problem is under investigation and there is certainly a solution, you just have to wait. In the meantime I wrote an email to support, I will update you on the problem as soon as possible.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long And Silky Shampoo Of The 70s

Hello everyone, today I
place just a fun page because unfortunately I am late with materials for the next and were thus not I pubblicarvi niente di nuovo al momento.
La pagina di oggi la vince Tizio degli fg con la sua risposta geniale alla domanda di Hyperion su dove poter scaricare musica!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Honey & Mumford Test Manual

How Long Does Metronidazol Take To Work

spoiler free stuff

; to take the hat only superstar:
  • Go to
  • put in the URL bar: / es / contest / view.php? id = 1034
  • Log into your account and put this:

to take gloves and a hat

  • Go to
  • put in the URL bar: . php? id = 1022
  • Log into your account and put this:

New Born Baby Trying To Rid Mucus

rip the statue to New -.-'''

Junior High Boobs Vidio


Now I can choose the suxstar
color of their skin)

Defensive Systems In Volleyball

New interior

What To Do In Orlando

statuette to $ 0

Run in suite shop there is a statue to $ 0!

Middle Names For Jenna

New Furniture: Evening Sale in Falls

Alyssa Milano New Boobs


Revlon Colorstay Eye And Lip Makeup Remover

How To Write Windows Xp Dark Edition

Discovering LBP 2! (Fourth Episode)

Ciao a tutti,
oggi pubblico un'altra puntata di alla scoperta di LBP 2, con nuovi livelli da esplorare, la metà dei quali è stata estratta utilizzando la funzione che fortuna. Per sapere come rigiocarli poi sulla vostra ps3 potete consultare la terza puntata di Alla scoperta di LBP 2 dove è segnato un minitutorial su come fare. Buona lettura!

1 try kill u (For 1 Player Only) Don't Any Move (OK)

"Wow, this level is sensatissimo! No, just kidding. E 'horrible, it makes no sense. I mean, it's long, bare and there is practically nothing' s Interestingly, no! "
Rating: Buu

"It's not that I did not like this level. No, I was just disgusted. E 'horrible! A tank wallpaper! Soldiers unwatchable! Bug anywhere! buttons off the ground, inter alia, that do not react good! Seems to be made by a monkey in heat. Definitely one of the worst levels I've ever played "
Rating: Buu

" This level has no sense. Will you use a bike on a ramp full of stuff placed without any sense, you will jam and will be taken at least 30 photos that will completely fill the photo booth. If I were you even there enetrerei "
Rating: Buu

"This fantastic figure was assembled from a baboon press x when turning on the menu Popit. This form of platform does not have a shred of bad graphics and is made . By the way, I wonder what made the poor grid to be hated so much to all "
Rating: Buu

"Booyah! It 'clear that LBP is a level 1 but I must say it did very well. I loved the ship-Miter too! I think should be updated with LBP 2, as I read some comments "has potential"
Rating: YEAH

"Cute! Also this we see that one coming from LBP, but it's well done and I find it funny, although it would be updated more. This is quite small bug that can sometimes be annoying
Rating: YEAH

"I guess was born as a platform, but not and crabs, have to be improved "
Rating: Buu

" Well, I do not know what to say. It seems a bit 'low surface and then the lights will not display nothing. But the PCs are made good (Excalibur at the end!), So it would be a bit 'on the midpoint between yeah and boo. I give him a yeah of encouragement, hoping that will soon be updated in positive! "
Rating: YEAH

" How graphics sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks, very neglected. But it's a puzzle really well done, this one deserves encouragement Yeah, but absolutely requires more care! "
Rating: YEAH

"Beautiful, brilliant, innovative, cool! I wonder how it has so few visits! Only flaw: I would spend more Slowly the instructions. But really fantastic, I can not wait to see the continuing "
Rating: YEAH

And for now we're done! See you soon with new levels of LBP 2!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Car Accidents Reports Calgary Police

The Adventure Diaries: The Brown family (Fifth episode - The Sims 3)

you wonder what this new book and when it that left the previous installments. Well, remember the diary of the priest in WoW? The previous episodes are those and I have done nothing but turn those items in a category and expand it to other games. This is the first installment of the Brown family in The Sims 3, enjoy!

Tomika is the ghost of the family. She got married on the verge of growing old with the young Francis Browne died recently of old age and was reported in "life" by her brother Claudio. She loves the outdoors and believes in true love and athletic, and loves to go jogging in the park. It 'a little' distracted, but he knows how to deal with dangerous situations thanks to his courage. His dream is become a superspy and has the capacity to make!

Dear Diary,
who would have thought that I would find myself writing on you as a parent's current family even if they are not originally from this family unit but are acquired? The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a diary of our adventures was wonderful. Now the problem is that sometimes I forget where you put and it is quite a problem finding you. And as I look at the fire crackles here in Egypt where I am right now, I write thoughts, even on my beloved Francis ... of course, between us there is a certain difference in age, but who cares when love trionfa? Che frasi romantiche, eh? Pensa che ultimamente ho affinato le mie abilità di scrittura dedicandomi a un libro che ho intenzione di pubblicare presto. Sarà una sorpresa, non ti scriverò subito il suo nome! Comunque, quando Claudio mi ha detto che saremmo andati in Egitto per una questione di lavoro ne sono stata davvero entusiasta: una vacanza all'insegna dell'avventura! All'aperto! Scoprendo luoghi pericolosi ed emozionanti come le piramidi, o le tombe egizie! A proposito di tombe egizie, mi ha raccontato mia nipote Alessandra un evento piuttosto spaventoso che le è capitato qualche giorno fa. Era entrata in una piramide, aveva trovato un sacco di tesori, quando all'improvvviso il sarcofago in fondo alla stanza si è spalancato and came out of a mummy that he wanted back his precious! Alex then began to run away, entered into a secret passage and fled out of the pyramid. No matter how strong and powerful these mummies are slow and stupid. However, even a nice trip to China I would have liked. I would have been able to train in combat, I think it is a necessary skill for a superspy, especially if you lost your gun, which I imagine will happen often. Now that I think I'm dead, I do not understand why would I need to defend myself ... however, the martial arts are exciting and I love playing sports. However this life adventure here in the camp also has its downsides. For example, the food. It makes a quick meal and so, just looking for new emotions and to explore new places. Every so often I would make a good ratatouille, the kind that I know I do, but no oven and I have to settle for sushi, or bread and jam, and really do not have much. Then when I did not spend very big adventure ... copper in a quarry not so great I found a lost relic and I gave to my beloved Francis and then they asked me to find copper and gold just to screw the tourists who visit here. Now that I think probably I'm a tourist and I might be screwed. Oh, well, details. If nothing else to move in this place that is literally huge I have my beautiful landscapes that kenspa and then you can see around here are simply breathtaking, especially at sunset. Maybe I could go before the great pyramid to watch the sun settles on the horizon with Francis. But things are still going well between us? We are no longer married at the end, I'm dead when you get married and the condition is "till death do us part." If you have something you probably would suffer a lot ... but I know that Francis actually loves me and nothing will separate us ever, not even death. I'm stressed, I'd better enjoy the remaining days of holiday without thinking about anything. How many are missing? Seven. No, eight. Perhaps six five. Oh, here, is five! We feel dear diary, maybe next time I will have some other adventure to write.
PS: I love Frank <3 la tua dead Tomika

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can Felons Own Black Powder Guns In Colorado

Bimbominkia Notes - Episode 24 ° / 25 ° puntata

Hello everyone, today
enthusiasm for my role in a performance likely will post two more chapters Bimbominkia notes, as usual enjoy!

Twenty-fourth episode

Credits Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All

Director: Stop! What does that acronym?!
Wright came as his lawyer Miss Jessica.
Director: Uhm??
Light: I sued for aggravated theft!
Director: What the fuck you asshole?
Light: did you steal the Death Note!
Director: You have to treat you.
Light: the process we will see tomorrow! Franziska Von Karma is like accusing
Director: That the whip and blue hair?
Light: correct! Will see the mice to see your avvocatuncolo!

Director: Light ...
Light: eh?
Director: Chupa.
Light: ° _ °

Wright First of all I must say who is exactly her.
Director: What do you want? BUT THAT DOES NOT SEE THAT GUY AND 'AN IDIOT?
Light: * * you suck your thumb

Von Karma: eh that two balls but you can never see the Mew Mew in a peace process that jumps out oo
Wright: up with moral .. want to make a challenge in Brawl?
Von Karma: suits me ° _ °
Director: Hey! I also want to play Brawl!
Crow: know.
Mangecu: bah .. irresponsible!
Director: Mange Want to play too?
Mange: you!

the four are playing

Crow: hey and I ..?
All: ° _ °
Merlocchio: that pizza, uff

Meanwhile in the games room ...

Director: Puaaaaaaaah! DIE SNAKE!
Mange: FORCE Lucario! Kill Them All!
Director: You'll never beat the mystic Kirby! WAAAAAAH

Kirby kills all

Mange, Von Karma, Wright noooooooooooooooo
Director: * riot *
Mange: but it is not right uffa !
Director: LOSERS! AHAHAHAAH * * dances Caramelldansen
Von Karma: I AM PERFETTAA buaaaaaaaaah NOOOOOOOOO!

Director: enough but damn! Negative educational impact that the program OO
Director: But hush!
Director: as quiet! You can not silence the direction ...
Director: The apple is on the table.
Director: eeeh?
Director: shit we fooled again.

In room staff ...

Poppy: I have found my LUMAAA!
Kiara: ah yes .. where was it?
Poppy: was .. er went in.. um ...
Rika: the hill, where everyone is kind of Misora \u200b\u200b
Misora: a problem if I do the oldest profession in the world?
Kiara: and what do you want? NO MORE! * * kicks in the lower

Rika: * * reads the newspaper
Poppy: smokes a cigarette * *
Kiara: years ago * karate *
Luma: * better not say *

Director: And now concludes our chapter! Hello and see you soon!
Director: prejudice and see you soon? But two things are completament ..
Director: slipper in his mouth * * Throw

Edgeworth: OBJECTION!
Director: But what? The Club of OBJECTION! ?
Wright we are not exercising for the job tomorrow.
Mia: man will be prosecuted with more crimes in the world.
Director: And that is ..?
Mia: hkwfcr
Director: EEhhhhh?
Director: ° _ ° questo.è ALL !!!!!!!!!! murderous rampage * *

Twenty bet

Alien: are here to conquer the land where the steaks we had ordered?
Matsuda: chip-chip-chip
Alien: but in what language does he speak? in Martian?
Director: No no .. is just a little 'confused since yesterday learned the multiplication table of one.
Aliens: Wendy .. this is the pizza?
Director: No this is the set of .. or better was set Bimbominkia Notes
Alien: ah sorry we missed you land a few galaxy .. Ugo loads the sgrumbolone you return home.
Hugh: That protozone mineralesimo of light years of anything .. pizza?
Alien: you think ..
Ugo: Nooh wanted the pizza to the Martian Opllo, this protozone mineralesimo of a light-year also gave you a Gundam robot in homage ...

Director: ... I've decided.
All: what?
Director: We will make a holiday .. on the moon!
Poppy: Siiiii! I can not wait!
L: but who pays to build the rocket?

All set L

L: cc- cosaaa? EVEN IF THEY DO NOT TALK!

Wright prosecutors could use the money
Edgeworth: hey go easy on that this month I still have to pay the rent cellar dela ..

Director: After a series of discussions and arguments of fighting a bloody brawl in the background *! brawl! brawl! * we finally decided that .. wig in his mouth * * * spits * mmmmmppff the financier of the trip will be .. ciabatta * * * kills aaaaaaaah Matsuda * will L!
L: why always me?
Director: What're you staricco and arrogant. And now to work!
All: U.S. must build the rocket?
Director: We need to build the rocket YOU OO
Rika: damned despot ...
Director: Who told you? Rika, Poppy and Kiara no OO
Blum and after all this divine comedy nemmeno io sono esonerato ç_ç..?
Farfalà: No! E ora al lavoro pelandroni

...mentre i lavori procedono ecco cosa combinano le autrici...

Rika: e a questo punto Nearocchio...
Poppy: duunque.. Luc è..
Kiara: il gemello della magatama..
Regista: Vedo che ognuna sta ripassando le proprie Fan Fiction XD

Regista: °______________°
Poppy: luma! After your meal, you do not burp a RUTTONE
Luma: I am your father.
All: O____________O OMG

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

List Of Scholl Shoe Outlets In Klang Valley

Play Station Home: How to spend an afternoon with friends (Part IV)

Hello everyone, today
continuous review of areas of PlayStation Home theme, this time I visited the areas of Burn Zombie Burn, Capcom and Loco Roco! Happy reading!

The first area where I was is to Burn Zombie Burn. I've never played this game, but I think it is a kind of humor on the zombies. Its area is quite impressive, whether from a cemetery a bit 'cartoon, populated by Zombie and a mini- on the back. The music is very repetitive and tired in the long run, but depending on where you enter the rooms can change. For those above the maze on the back is a reward and access to hard-chapel of the cemetery! In the main church you can watch the trailer for the game. In the lateral zone instead you can make purchases by a zombie-themed seller.

Cemetery Burn Zombie Burn is disturbing and funny at the same time. Note left on the zombie sandwich announcing the end of the world.

The maze on the back is long, there are zombies who persecute you, and you only have little time to complete it, but eventually you expect a reward!

The Crypt nightclub is the most fun of the whole area. Maybe it's a bit 'small.

then visited the cemetery I was in zombie theme and I visited the set of Capcom's Resident Evil! The scenery is nice and detailed and every impression of being a village post-atomic. It 's totally devastated, and if there were few people around also quite disturbing. Frightening the butcher in the back of the village, clear symbol of all the horror movies with crazy armed accepts. While visiting the site you can also buy the items at issue from a shop in the street.

This area is a reproduction of a typical post-nuclear landscape. E 'is also rather disturbing.

then I went to the laboratory of Street Fighter, Capcom always. This area is completely empty, not so much sense and there is not even a sound effect. In the middle there seems to be a mini-game, but it is unclear how to access it. The only here is the hobby shop on the bottom where you can shop for items at issue.

This area is really depressing, is empty and there is almost nothing to do. And it's not so great.

Last place visited, and probably the largest and cure of this article, is the space of Loco Roco. In this area you are on the ship Mui Mui, being relaxed, colorful and fullest of leisure! On the ship the currency is in pikori, small red beads that can be achieved in several ways: you can dance next to mui mui sad you follow the Loco Roco close to the plants swaying and dancing around to get more, you can bet your Pikori in swimming competitions between penguins to double, triple, or even quintuple quadriplicarli and you can also look at the beautiful island of Loco Roco using binoculars. As for the shops it is littered with the ship: there is a shop that sells items Loco Roco in exchange for real money, a store that sells them in exchange for Pikori and shops where you can buy one of the many versions of Loco Roco for Ps3 in digital format. Finally there is also a mini game but I am not so clear how it works, where the aim is probably to create groups of Loco Roco in the same colore più grossi possibili.

La nave mui mui è un paradiso tropicale galleggiante. Rilassante, colorata e soleggiata è un ottimo posto dove passare il tempo con gli amici, magari seduti ad un tavolo all'ombra delle palme.

Dalla ringhiera si può vedere la splendida isola dei Loco Roco, ma la si può osservare meglio anche dai binocoli sulla terrazza posteriore.

The bar on the front terrace is reminiscent of a typical eating place outside of a cruise ship. It 's so relaxing that it would be great to enter the television and enjoy some' sea breeze of the ship under the sun and enjoy a cocktail!

The huge pineapple in the front of the ship, conceals a number of shops where you can buy in a digital format for each game Loco Roco.

And even today we have finished analyzing another part of PlayStation Home, but the themed zones are so many! So I'll see you soon!