Hello everyone, today
continuous with the book "Discovering LBP" which, at the exit of the second edition of this game, it becomes "Discovering LBP 2". Unfortunately I had to abandon the old formula of live because I had to work alone, some 'technical problems and some' problems' of boredom. "
I wanted to add the technology "Magic Link" proposal in the Widget site LBP 2, but for reasons unclear at the moment it seems that the widget does not work. For this you have to make do with the links of levels and manually add them to your queue for now, but I hope that soon, the Media Molecule take care of putting in place the magic link.
Minitutorial: link-level play over your ps3
1. Click on the link level
2. If you have not made access to the official website of LBP 2, effettuatelo using the data of your PSN
3. Click the "Add to your tail
4. Turn on your PS3 and start LBP 2
5. Selected communities and access to your queue dall'apposito button.
6. The levels that you have added to the queue from the computer they are there ready to be played!
"Lag, lag, lag and more lag. Of course, this level can not make any sense. But no one really. What I expect from a level without name? "
Rating: Buu
"An idea that I'd say nothing short of brilliant! There is, however, to consider the fact that LBP is out now 2. A level with any corrections will be nothing short of amazing! "
Rating: YEAH
"Ok, the idea is there as well. It is not bad, throw bombs on a level versus ... maybe a bit 'stereotype. But it is badly made! First, why not use the conventional language world, namely English, title and description? Then the jumps are not glued to the ground , the bombs are counted, why not use a transmitter? The graphics and nothing short of indecent. "
Valutazione: BUU
"Bello, mi è piaciuto molto. Sia la parte cinematografica che quella di gameplay. Certo, magari quest'ultima necessita di qualche ritocco, ma per il resto va bene. Una storia un po' triste, ma per ora davvero ben fatta!"
Valutazione: YEAH
" Carino, era parecchio tempo che lo vedevo in evidenza e l'avevo già provato, divertente sia in single player che in multiplayer! Anche se non ho ancora capito come si usano le mosse finali, forse bisognerebbe aggiungere una legenda con le mosse..."
Valutazione: YEAH
"Idea carina e divertente! Mi ha fatto ridere anche il filmatino d'inizio! Ben fatto, forse un po' difficile come minigioco, io lo renderei giusto un pochino più semplice!"
Valutazione: YEAH
"Divertentissimo e bellissimo! Non vedo l'ora di vedere la parte due! Chissà quanto tempo ci è voluto per fare questa parte, troppo divertente! Mi ha fatto morire soprattutto il finale."
Rating: YEAH
"Maybe because I did not understand how it works, but for me it definitely improved. But not bad. I do not know if it is a mistake, but the swords with telekinetic movement are fun!"
Rating: YEAH
"Very nice, very well done, I liked it a lot! And it's very special idea that expresses the full potential of LBP 2!"
Rating: YEAH
"Beautiful! In the classic style of LBP is still an innovative, fresh and colorful! On the other hand has a lot of hits, justified in my opinion! "
Rating: YEAH
"Artistic and beautifully landscaped. I really did feel a little 'holiday, for its colors, its entertainment and its fantastic graphics. Really nice. "
Rating: YEAH
It also ends with this article today: what wait, open the ps3 and go straight to play your new line!
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