Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lump On My Gums Above Broken Tooth

fuq: Frequently Unanswered Questions (Episode 1)

today I write a short article, the first episode of the new book fuq: Frequently Unanswered Questions. In this section will analyze the questions that I found to be missed, even looking on the internet. I do not wish you happy reading!

1. How do you put content in each post on bloggers?
"So, this question arose because I wanted to integrate the magic of LBP and the link button I like facebook in every post they publish. I went searching on the internet and it seemed that this question had an answer. In all the posts that I found there was always putting it after the tag marked "data: post.body" but I really can not find! Have been removed from google or my lack of settings to make it magically appear?

2. Why google adsense says cookies are disabled when the browser enabled?
"This is really now a mystery. I searched the internet and I found out was not the only one with this dilemma, yet others do nothing but respond to reactivate, but mine are active! I have only one solution to this problem: use Internet Explorer. But only for adsense, it is clear "

3. Because when the influence is sometimes the throat narrows and swallowing makes you sick?
" Uh, it was really horrible when I sick! I was in bed and every time I swallowed I felt all the way saliva in the throat and then the arrival in the stomach and I felt terrible, like I swallowed a big mouthful! I spent half a night with this problem. On the Internet, of course, there is no answer. But I've got a solution, the doctor told me the day after I came to this problem. It seems that this discomfort is caused by mucus che si accumulano nella gola e formano una sorta di patina che fa venire la nausea. Soluzione: areosol. E' noioso ma risolve il problema"

E per oggi vi pubblico questo piccolo articolo. Ricordate che se avete anche voi domande senza risposta potete scrivermelo all'indirizzo segnato nella scheda contatti nella barra sulla destra!


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