Thursday, April 2, 2009

Parrot Bay Alcohol Percentage

ナナ - NANA

The story is that of Nana Komatsu ("Hachi"), that taking a train journey to Tokyo to choose the place side Nana Osaki, whose only desire is to reach the city to become a rock star! The two girls not only share the same name, but also the same apartment ... Here you will begin their new lives together that, inevitably, will become a single plot. Here are some curiosity about the series: episodes of Nana do not have a title for each episode, these are characterized rather by a number. `That's because the whole series revolves around a special" coincidences "Number:" Nana "in Japanese means 7 and the number of the apartment that the two protagonists share is 707. Even behind the nickname Nana Komatsu hides a secret: "Hatch" is in fact a reference to the legendary history "Hachiko, a symbol of faithfulness, a characteristic that also distinguishes the character in question, casually but also in Japanese means` Hatch 8 ... These and many other surprises are that this will reveal Anime `! For fans also point out the fabulous abbreviations: the opening "Rose" by Anna Tsuchiya, in closing, "Starless Night" by Olivia.

Nana Osaki
Do not be deceived by the hard and aggressive as a true punk NANA. His sensibility and his way to dedicate himself to his friends make the perfect friend! But she has suffered much in life and that is why I created this barrier around himself, abandoned by his mother for only seven years has grown with his grandmother and despite all the difficulties faced due to his fighting spirit, never gave up his dream to Become ... a star!

Nana "Hachi" Komatsu Hachi
pursuing a dream, not sure yet what it is, but knows that her heart will lead you in the right direction. In Tokyo awaits her boyfriend Shoji, and all his best friends in high school. Dolce and helpful towards others, it seems the exact opposite of Nana Osaki, the way of coping looks completely different ... But in the bottom two girls with the same name, sharing the same apartment and the same emotions can be so different?

Nobuo "Nobu" Terashima
Nobu, as his friends call him, is the guitarist for Blast and schoolmate of Nana Osaki. His cheerful and optimistic nature often leads him to exaggerate in its manifestations and above is not the best person to entrust with a secret! But nobody can really angry with the "small" Nobu!

Shinichi "Shin" Okazaki
Shin is the bassist of Blast, the youngest member of the band. Nobu's best friend, shares with him all his secret. Nana Komatsu has a relationship with him overprotective, sees him as a younger brother and tries to help manage their lives and overcome the difficulties that arise from being raised in a dysfunctional family.

Yasushi "Yasu" Takagi
Yasu, said the lawyer, is the drummer for Blast and somehow the older brother and mother hen of all members of the band. Her mature looks and his voice deep in fact make it seem much older than it really is. No one would make a step without his approval!

Reira Serizawa Reira
Trapnest and is the lead singer is half American, like betraying her long blonde hair. Reira, like many artists, just in the lyrics of his songs is able to clearly express his emotions that usually hides behind his air of a diva. Her name is Layla for the truth as it was the title of the famous song by Eric Clapton.

Ren Honjo
beautiful and unattainable, come ogni giovane star della musica, Ren come NANA nasconde il suo vero carattere dietro un look aggressivo. Grande appassionato di Sid Vicious e dei Sex Pistols era il bassista dei Blast prima che decidesse di trasferirsi a Tokyo, lasciando anche NANA Osaki, per suonare con i Trapnest. Il tatuaggio di un loto che NANA ha sul suo braccio sinistro, lo fece per dimostrare il suo grande amore per Ren (in giapponese “Ren” significa “loto”).

Junko Saotome
Junko è la migliora amica di NANA “Hachi”, si conosco dai tempi della scuola e anche se sono contetanee, Junko sembra molto più matura e preparata ad affrontare life than it is "Hachi". At times more than a friend seems like a second mother, a little 'crazy, but a second mother ...

Kasuga Kyosuke Takakura
is Junko's boyfriend, at the time of incotratisi school is a great friend of both Hachi than Shoji. His appearance, earrings and long dreadlocks, along with the way he always "relaxed" to deal with the things they do look a little reliable Kyosuke is actually much more mature and sedate than what others may think ...

Shoji Shoji Endo
is the reason why "Hachi" decided later transferred to Tokyo, at least to start ... Shoji Academy of Fine Arts and at the same time working as a waiter in a small restaurant. In his way of being, is the prototype of the good guy but even the best sometimes make mistakes ...

Episode 1

"Nana ... you remember the first time we met? Since I am a guy who believes in fate ... I think it was just fate. Laugh if you like ... "A board the train to Tokyo that will take her into the arms of his beloved Shoji, Nana Komatsu choose the place next to Osaki Nana, whose only desire is to reach the city to become a rock star. The two girls share the same name but only by accident or by an inescapable destiny, even the same apartment! You will be able to count on each other to realize their dreams.

Episode 2

"M'innamoro. I'll find a new love! That's enough crying for a love affair. I have to fall in love. Falling in love so much, and let Nana now vanishes in the darkness ... "What can you say about Nana Komatsu? Everything but that is not easy all'innamoramento ... Thank God that there Junko takes a bit 'in check. If it were not for her who knows what other disappointment in love waterfalls? Then Junko knows just the pretty boys ...

Episode 3

"I have to give me to do ... Just go out at night, end of my career as a disco-goers .. Now I have no time for love Tokyo is full of wonderful kids and trendy. Jun: start our "wonderful Tokyo life "" When Junko and Kyosuke gain admission to art school in Tokyo, Shoji and Nana decided to give it a try. Only Shoji and Nana is accepted but is compelled to wait a year to reflect on his long road . But how can you resist so far from Shoji, how!

Episode 4

"I do not know where I was born. I never saw the face of my father and my mother, I forgot ... 4 years I moved to this seaside town. Working day and night, and I continue to cultivate my dream ... "Nana Osaki is 18 and has not had a very simple life ... is the singer in a rock band called "Black Stones". Along with Ren, Nobu and Yasu are the idols of the boys of their city. But what will happen now that Ren has made an important decision about his future, a decision that will take him away from Nana, her love and all its past?

Episode 5

"I can not define how I felt inside me that night, love, excitement? No word is appropriate .. It seems to me that these years are lived with Ren only a dream "Having said all of his departure for Tokyo, Ren is ready for the trip. But the other band members, will decide what to do? Follow him or stay in the capital city? Nana, will give up everything just to follow him and decide to chase a dream at the expense of a life with the man she loves ...

Episode 6

"Nana, do you remember? We sat by the river side by side, looking at the light and color the water surface. Let me hear again the melody humming ... "Nana Komatsu sta viaggiando verso Tokyo, dove raggiungerà il suo amato Shoji e la sua migliore amica Junko. Sul treno farà la conoscenza di Nana Osaki e presto le due ragazze scopriranno di essere legate ad uno stesso destino...

Episodio 7

"Anche un'inguaribile sognatrice come me, non avrebbe mai potuto credere... di incontrare ancora una volta… quella ragazza di cui sapevo soltanto il nome..."Nana Komatsu e Nana Osaki, dopo essersi perse di vista alla stazione, si incontrano di nuovo. Vogliono infatti affittare lo stesso appartamento! Chi l'avrà vinta? Ma dividere le spese sarebbe molto più vantaggioso... Shoji e gli altri approveranno la decisione di Nana di vivere con una sconosciuta? E poi, chi è questo Yasu?

Episodio 8

"Nana tu sei un po' come un gatto randagio: vivi come ti pare, libera e orgogliosa… ma in realtà nascondi una ferita che sanguina ancora, vero? A una sventata come me, anche quello sembrava molto cool. Ma non sapevo quanto dolore ti provocasse... "Finalmente le due Nana, si trasferiscono nel loro nuovo appartamento. Però servono un mare di cose... è il momento dello shopping! La nuova amicizia riuscirà a sopravvivere a questa prima, "drammatica" prova? Nana Osaki forse non sa ancora cosa vuol dire andare per negozi insieme a Nana Komatsu o meglio... "Hachi", il soprannome mi sembra appropriato!

Episodio 9

“Il tavolo era diventato un palco, il cellulare un microfono, la luna crescente un riflettore. L'unica persona al mondo in grado di fare questa magia è Nana. Io ne sono convinta ancora adesso.”Nana e Hachi si trasferiscono finalmente nel nuovo appartamento. Hachi ha anche un nuovo lavoro e un sacco d'impegni per organizzare la nuova vita... questo vuol dire sempre meno tempo da dedicare al Shoji her. The first night in your new home comes to the door to Nobu, ran away from home, has a proposal to do a Nana.

Episode 10

"confessing now in all honesty, I think that the admiration I felt for Nana was rather similar to love. Although I could not even grow a bit ', I knew I could not continue to rely more and the other ... "after having heard him sing Nana Hachi and Nobu play, decides he must do something to help them realize their dream. What better than a commitment to finding new members for the band? Meanwhile Shoji at work, he meets a new colleague named Sachiko, Sachiko !?... eh?

Episode 11

"Look, Nana ... Even now I think I do not have a place you can call home? Do you remember that dinner table in front of the window is still there ... ... Just where it was in those days. "Mizukoshi must make a shocking confession to Nana, it was forced to close his shop! And now? How will Hachi to pay rent and eat? The problems however do not seem finished because his beloved Shoji seems a bit 'too interested in his new colleague ...

Episode 11.5

"Look Nana Komatsu ... Do you remember the first time we met? Since I am a guy who does not believe in destiny at all ... I think it was just a coincidence. "Junko, Kyosuke and Shoji are set by Jackson and is a good time to rethink everything that has happened in the past months ! Maybe even a little gossiping over ...

Episode 12

"It was a prophecy, (born from the depths of the heart). But I alla domanda: "cosa vuoi diventare da grande?" fin da piccola ho sempre risposto: "una bella sposa". Non ho mai desiderato essere nient'altro."Mentre Hachi è impegnata nella ricerca di un nuovo lavoro, Junko consiglia a Shoji di troncare la relazione con Sachiko prima che la situazione degeneri. Shoji deciso a rompere, decide di parlarle al ristorante... ma avrà il coraggio di farlo?

Episodio 13

"La ragione principale per cui avevo scelto quel lavoro era che mi permetteva di rimanere a casa il sabato e la domenica. Così facendo, speravo di avere un po' più di tempo da trascorrere con Shoji, che era always busy between school and work, "Shoji Kyosuke confesses that he betrayed Nana. The same night, Hachi, Nana Shin and introduce themselves to the restaurant where she works Shoji. Sachiko What will happen when Nana for the first time? Nana intuirà something? Or .. .

Episode 14

"I was not old enough to forgive a betrayal. And I was so determined to cling to him even though I had hurt. I had lost the battle "Hachi and Nana decided to wait for Shoji to work together. Suddenly they see Sachiko running out of the back of the restaurant, chased by Shoji. A hug and many tears, everything in front of Nana ... and now, what will happen? Everything ends here tonight?

Episode 15

"Crying down to earth, but I can barely stay in balance ... are left behind, alone. Nana sang the 'only song "Finally it's time to play the first concert of the Blast! But just when it's up to them the people began to go ... Nana will be able to recapture the attention of all with her voice? Hey, Hachi not be jealous ... Misato is "just" an old fan of the group!

Episode 16

"On the morning of the concert, you were sitting in front of the usual window, as if it were an ordinary day, right Nana? But he felt a smell in the air That was different ... I'd seized the cigarettes to Shin, the Black Stone that said you could not stand "Hachi, she feels guilty for having misbehaved with Misato, and during their explanation is to discover the truth about the past of Nana. She and Ren Honjo were engaged! But then it is still the case to go along with the concert Trapnest or maybe ...

Episode 17

"Ma perché sto piangendo? Mi sento scoppiare il petto. Quella notte, continuavo a pregare che il destino che attendeva Nana fosse la felicità. In quel momento avrei voluto che la tua mano, che avevo stretto senza nemmeno accorgermene fosse rimasta salda nella mia per sempre"Hachi e Nana arrivano finalmente a casa della famiglia di Hachi, visto l'imminente concerto dei Trapnest. Le domande da porsi ora sono solo due: riuscirà Nana a incontrare di nuovo Ren senza piangere? Ma soprattutto: Hachi riuscirà lei, a non piangere?!

Episodio 18

"At that time I thought I did not want me to fall in love again. Instead, that night, praying for the happiness of Nana, I began to think that despite the pain and wounds that could have caused I wanted to dream again and to love someone with all your heart ... "After the concert, Hachi and Nana return home while Ren manages to get to the phone Hachi by Yasu. Will have the courage to call? Above all, how can Nana never react? Hey and Hachi? Be called a star it's not a small thing!

Episode 19

"The next time that I love, I want a man a bit 'cold. Someone who will not follow my every whim useless. But it must be one that, if such dispute, the day after presented itself to me with a rose and a sentence of love ... a man so "Once incontratesi with Ren, Nana and Hachi return home. It seems clear that the relationship between them is not a thing of the past ... and Hachi, she will never find a love so special?

Episode 20

"In that time the world surrounding Nana, my eyes glowed with a dazzling light. It's not that I was fine anyone. It's just that I wanted to be wrapped in the same light "Hachi, party all night and do not be late for work is perhaps the best way to keep the place ... And now? Jobless and boyfriend, the city seems even more sad! But suddenly, a simple phone call can change things ...

Episode 21

"You know, Nana. I admire you from my heart, and I wanted to be like you. This is what I always thought, all my life. So, please ... sing once more. "Hachi Takumi meets by chance, and ends up talking in his suite for a dinner, but she is uncertain about what to do ... and fought some Takumi is just fascinating, but also the reputation of being a womanizer. Hachi What will you do? want to go back to suffer for a story of impossible love? ... Meanwhile Shoji has an important announcement to make to Junko and Kyosuke ...

Episode 21.5

"Look Nana Komatsu ... Do you remember the tragedy of love you told me in tears in the bathroom of the girls as we watched our ceremony diploma, which began ... I never want to hear something like that from your lips "Junko, Kyosuke and Shoji remember the most important events of the last period: the break between Hachi and Shoji, the rapprochement between Ren and Nana, to flirt with Hachi and Takumi. Koichi Sato also spoke Sakagami and commenting on events in their own way.

Episode 22

"Hey Nana ... crown because their dreams and be happy they have to be two separate things? I still do not understand ... "It 's July 7, the date of the festival of Tanabata. But Shin did not know anything about this festival, and then the gang decides to celebrate in his honor. But the fun does not last long, in fact, arrived on July 8, which marks the last concert of Trapnest in Tokyo. Takumi will remember the promise made to Hachi?

Episode 23

"You know, Nana ... even though we were always together, I did not understand anything about you. I did not even have you on behalf of the wound. Forgive me" Poor Nobu. It 's really depressed when he learned of the history between Takumi and Hachi. But is it serious? Come on, do not despair ... Will Nobu to confess his love for Hachi? Or will it be to do so by Takumi first? Meanwhile, Nana saw kissing with Hachi and Takumi is now upset. Better to ask for help from Yasu. And what relationship is emerging between Shin and Reira?

Episode 24

"Look, Nana. Even now, not a day goes by that you pray to review your picture sitting on the other side of that table. And in my mind call your name. Many, many times "The Blast were contacted by a major label! Nana, however, decided to transfer from one to two weeks Ren and Hachi finally confesses his relationship with Takumi and "almost confession" by Nobu last night. Meanwhile, as Nobu and Shin have yet another discussion about Hachi and Takumi, Shin gets a call from Reira. And Nobu, Hachi finally to declare?

Episode 25

"what to pray for Nana while singing a song written by Nobu that night, straining his voice as much as possible to reach my ears ... only now I understand ... "The two weeks off of Trapnest are running out. Takumi still has not called Hachi and Nana was furious with him. But secretly Hachi is not sorry for this, it is undecided whether to choose him or Nobu. Takumi Hachi visit? E if it happened, Nobu would feel hurt? The friendship between Nana and Hachi will be ruined by this?

Episode 26

"It's not that I wanted to have Nana all to myself ... I just wanted you needed me." Today is the third concert Blast and tickets are already sold out. Kawano After the show, the producer of the record company, invites all members of the band out to dinner to discuss their contracts. So called Hachi and Nana tells her not to wait up, because it will return very late, but feels distant and detached ... Poor Hachi, had already prepared everything to celebrate the band. The distance between them seems to increase ...

Episode 27

"Look Nana, the feelings on which I swore that night are still the same, and are enclosed in my heart ... Our beautiful dream ... Never forget. "While Hachi and Reira struggle with their loneliness, Nana discovers the food and the cake that Hachi had prepared for their third concert. She decides to call all the members of Blast to celebrate together with Hachi their new record deal. E così iniziano a discutere delle sfide che dovranno affrontare, e della relazione tra Takumi e Reira…. Inoltre Hachiko sarà innamorata di Takumi? O prova qualcosa per Nobu?

Episodio 28

“Baciandoci… tenendoci per mano… senza dire una parola, abbiamo camminato fino al supermercato.” Yasu cerca di indagare sul passato e sul padre di Shin, la cui firma è necessaria per permettergli di continuare a suonare coi Blast. Yasu scopre inoltre che Misato ha sempre usato un nome falso… Nel frattempo Haci e Nobu si confessano i loro sentimenti Mutual and Hachi Takumi decides to leave and become the girl of Nobu. But will he do it? What is the relationship which will stop and instead continue?

Episode 29

"Sai Nana ... as you may realize their mistakes can not be expected to disappear, we must learn to live with it." In bed, he tells Nobu Hachi of its past high school with Nana and Ren. Later that day, Hachi and Nana Junko wants to tell his new relationship, but how they react? In the meantime tries to reassure Yasu Shin's father for him to sign the contract, but quali sono i reali sentimenti di Okazaki per suo figlio?

Episodio 30

“Quando, non potevo abbandonare il mio sogno di raggiungere grandi traguardi… Stavo perdendo quanto era giù alla mia portata. Ma volevo vivere la vita in tutto e per tutto e non ho rimpianti.” E’ tempo per qualche ricordo per NANA, la sua partenza e Yasu alla stazione… e poi l’incontro con quella buffa ragazza sul treno. Insieme a Hachi e Misato, adesso è tornato anche Ren nella sua vita e il “giardino” di NANA non è mai stato così florido! Hachi invece just is not right, maybe these hot summer ...

Episode 31

"Hey, Hachi. Until now I thought that life was made by ourselves ... but ... I realized that people sometimes can not be so strong, I became more sweet than before, you know? "Hachi, this is a great responsibility and choice ... a child is not easy! People think that you can be difficult to take care of yourself, as I think you can do with another creature? So perhaps it is better to keep to themselves, at least for a while ', the decision is not easy! True, Hachi?!

Episode 32

"Trapnest" means chest containing a trap. Once inside it becomes impossible to go out with on its own merits. I always thought it was a name that only a man with a great thirst for power could think of. "Takumi is a determined person, and decided not agree to be downloaded with a simple phone call and then maybe, it really takes to Hachi ... you find out later that perhaps he is to become a father! And Nana, as will never react to news like that, but especially how to say it to Nobu ...

Episode 33

"No matter who or what life you choose, what matters most is your happiness. Although the depths of my heart will never become a good person as one can hope ... "Junko and Kyosuke are the only people who can help Hachi to make a decision without conditions, they were always there for her and there will always be. Takumi, however, has in mind something different, a legislative / policy proposals to which it is difficult to say no also means giving up Nana?

Episode 34

“Sai, Hachi, Io valgo poco per riuscire ad afferrarti del tutto e assomiglio a quei bicchieri da pochi soldi. Ma paragonata alla tristezza di perdere tutto preferisco il dolore di una crepa che va aprendosi.” NANA, scoprire che le cose cambiano e anche così in fretta non è mai facile ma prendersela con Nobu non serve, per fortuna lui è un vero amico e una persona speciale. Reira, scoprire che le cose cambiano e così all’imporvviso non è mai facile ma cercare conforto tra le braccia di un vero amico… a volte non serve, purtroppo.

Episodio 35

"Hey, Hachi. My sense of rivalry with Trapnest, more as a singer and as a woman, made me feel envious for Reira, who had stolen the hearts of Ren. "Takumi and Nobu, now both know the child she is expecting Hachi ... who will take the responsibility to be his father? While NANA, as you can manage a "news" like that? Things change and so suddenly and it is not always easy to deal with them ...

Episode 36

"A full moon is not enough. While staying with Ren is my feeling. As we love profondamente / nessuno mi riempie davvero. Però solo quando sono sul palco mi sento completa.” I nervi sono sempre più tesi tra i membri dei Blast e non solo per colpa di Hachiko e i suoi disastri! Per fortuna c’è Yasu che tiene unito il gruppo. NANA ormai vive quasi in maniera stabile da Ren, ma forse non è la cosa più giusta d’altronde paga ancora l’affitto del 707. Forse è meglio tornare a casa ed incontrare Hachi…

Episodio 36.5

“Senti, Nana Komatsu, sebbene siamo stati così tanto assieme, non ti capisco even a bit '. Indeed, it is impossible to understand you normally see ...! Forgive me, but enough. Who will be the guest room of Junko? EH!, Naoki? Why on earth have chosen him?, Which does not seem to have close links with anyone (even if it is convinced of being a great friend of Yasu). As things have happened in recent months, along with all riviviamole Jun, Kyosuke and more ... unfortunately!

Episode 37

"Hey, Hachi. How many times a person continue to hurt, loving someone is never useless. The love letter that you left me that I still have time jealously. One room is completely empty and a huge moon that looks through an open window ... all that remains of the friendship between Nana and Hachiko is this? Possible? If both were a little 'less proud and insecure ...

Episode 38

"The dark clouds were gone, and suddenly we had all the spotlight on us. But it was the stage where we were. We were on a ring. " NANA, convinced by Ren, decides that perhaps it is time to put aside his pride and go see Hachiko but Takumi has created a wall around her and reach will not be so easy. Meanwhile, the trap to Ren and Nana is about to take and the Blast will have on them all the media attention!

Episode 39

"At that time, I had no room in the TV or the phone ... so I'm the only one to myself missed the show and it gave me a huge hassle. " Print, TV and Internet ... the world does not seem to talk of nothing but Ren and his mysterious girl: NANA the lead singer of the emerging Blast. Too bad that was not questo che la band sperava di attirare l’attenzione, a questo punto è meglio girare la situazione a proprio vantaggio… vero, NANA!

Episodio 40

“Forse i nostri sogni si stavano realizzando. Però gli ideali che perseguiamo e gli avvenimenti da cui siamo travolti non sempre coincidono perfettamente e a volte non conducono alla felicità.” NANA e Ren sono ormai sulla bocca di tutti: liceali, casalinghe e anche impettiti impiegati. La Gaia Music sommersa dalle telefonate ormai è costretta ad agire e per i Blast, il debutto tanto sognato non sembra più in mirage. Nobu, however, seems willing to leave the band, not wanting to make his debut because of the scandal. Yasu able to convince him to stay?

Episode 41

"My only concern was being able to sing for Hachi. I did not think I was more focused in on this alone. "Ren would like to return to Japan immediately and is not happy to learn that Takumi has abandoned the filming of the video in England, just to get to know her future in-laws! Meanwhile, the Blast are engaged night and day at the training camp set up by Gaia Music to prepare a duty to their debut.

Episode 42

"Listen ... Hachi, lot more and more I sink. Human beings are vain creatures. If I could be reborn, I want to be a fish and swim in a small aquarium. I, and Ren ... the two of us alone. "Reira and Shin, continue to messages even though they are both busy ... Takumi must deal with the barrage of questions from the Komatsu family and especially by the father of Hachiko. Shin Reira in the meantime hopes that in her opinion, the Gaia chosen to be isolated from the world to strengthen relations among the members of Blast, in fact she feels able to do anything only when you are around ... Trapnest

Episode 43

"E 'difficult to admit even now ... But if I died I no longer think that Ren would die with me. After all, this is right. It 's so he has to go though maybe I'm the only one sad about this. "NANA Ginpei goes to the hospital after his illness and the doctor's diagnosis is unequivocal ... Enough with the cigarette! Prepared to live on stage in Shinjuku, thanks to NANA the paparazzi for her sarcasm made it famous and then his first thought is for Hachiko: "Hey, Hachi. You're a little 'distant but what is a safe and special. I wonder if the kid in your belly, can you hear my song. "The fate of the tournament started and now no one will be able to leave ... Go, Blast!

Episode 44

"My dream was that my band to become the number one in Japan. I wanted everyone to remember my name. Even at the cost of never seeing that person again. " The evidence for the television program seem Music Studio non avere mai fine, in una pausa però Shin ottiene il permesso dai GInpei per allontanarsi per incontrare in segreto Reira, così anche Nobu ha l’occasione per fare un salto sul set dello sceneggiato dove lavora Miu. Yasu mette alle strette Ren, dicendogli che deve avere più cura di se stesso e del suo rapporto con NANA. Allora forse è proprio venuto il momento di farle la proposta…

Episodio 45

“Credevo che il modo di parlare di Reira fosse identico al suo modo di cantare… Il suo ritmo musicale ricordava il tono di voce di Takumi. Io invece, without realizing it, I started to speak in a manner similar to Ren. "Blast Trapnest and players of the same episode of the show's Music: Music Studio, it seems there is a hand of the Great Heavenly Demon! Hachi and Junko are watching TV, Nana would never have lost the first official appearance of the Blast. There are still many things on hold in the heart of Hachiko and fireworks along the Tama River, it seems the best opportunity to meet old and new ghosts ...

Episode 46

"Hey, Hachi. They say when you lose someone ... is the moment when he realizes the importance, but the true meaning ... it is grasped only when you are reunited with it again. " NANA still hope that they meet Hachi and Nobu can get back together, so it is prepared to do everything possible to get permission to go see the fireworks, fortunately there Yasu! Nana taken by the pangs of hunger, is found in Jackson where he meets Shoji! The comparison between the two is inevitable and so the two, after a long time, have the opportunity to clarify.

Episode 47

"If now we'll all be together again, for sure I am going to act like a spoiled child. ... I am so afraid that I can not move. " Transvestite at all points, not to be recognized by the people, the Blast came to apartment 707. Hachi, however, is still shaken by the encounter with Shoji and the fear of meeting Nobu seems to have decided not to go. One phone call solves all NANA however, lying to Hachiko, the Nobu says that did not come, what will happen if the two should meet? ... It's been years and a summer day, a girl wearing a yukata walking toward the apartment 707 ...


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