Discovering LBP! (Second installment) Ciao a tutti,
oggi vi pubblico la seconda puntata di alla scoperta di LBP! Anche in questa puntata tutto ciò che è stato scritto è stato poi pubblicato nella diretta! La puntata doveva essere più lunga, ma per problemi tecnici è stata poi spezzata a metà. Vi lascio alla lettura!
Crashis: stink of ammaccabanane o_o
Setzer: Hello everyone, today we continue with the discovery of an episode of LBP!
Crashis: Ok by now lol seriously
Hyperion: but the ammaccabanane long is it?
Crashis: Sshh XD
Hyperion: ah ok * * trollface
Setzer: ommioddio o_O. However, we continue, we will go along with the discovery of LBP Hyperion, Crashis and Insanity!
Hyperion: : D
Setzer: check now what is the first level!
Crashis: Owo is with great honor to participate! Force strength, the first level by tomorrow mattinaaaahh>. <
Setzer: MEGA is * FUN * R1 RACE FA3Z4N
of Insanity: something tells me it will not be mega fun "
Setzer: For reasons I do not know that Hyperion has not entered the level
Hyperion: o_o
Crash: mh, it seemed strange
Hyperion: already have in your pod
Crash: However .. we move to a vote? And to the comment, of course?
Setzer: however, the idea seems to me sufficiently exploited. I do not know why but I have the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving already seen several times. It 'still very cute and colorful and well done. 4 / 5 stars
Hyperion: OBJECTION, the level has to be redone due to lack of the fourth guy
Insanity: Short, visually unsatisfactory, with no gameplay at all serious and FUN, as opposed than assume the title. 2 / 5, not to mention the haunting music that is quite unnerve
Setzer: Hype, we would make it but time is running out and we have little
Crashis: The level has a good mix of colors, but all too short, and has things you have already seen too many times. Let's say that your work is appreciated, and that the creator has put us abbatranza commitment to announce that the level has come as it should be. We say that the prize for originality, color and location. 3 / 5
Hyperion: OBJECTION, if it is do not need my intervention in
Setzer: Please , interverrai in the next>. <
Quick Summary
Name: * MEGA FUN RACE R1 *
Author: FA3Z4N
media 3 / 5 stars
Hyperion: then I do not see the killer
Crashis: 3,2,1 audience ratings fall to 0 XD
Setzer: Ok, let's move to the next and silence
Crashis: killer is playing levels to account suoper lag problems. Ok Setzy: D
Hyperion: invece ti stupro crash asd
Setzer: ò_ò
Hyperion: ODDDIO scusate
Setzer: Comunque, il prossimo livello è Run Sackboy!
Crashis: Davide, avresti dovuto scrivere questo in game *facepalm*
Hyperion: son sparito ò_ò. Lo so pero non ho la tastiera
Setzer: Di Farrar1
Crashis: oddio santo o_o dove sei Davide?
Hyperion: I do not know
Crashis: * technical issues *
Hyperion: became a presence
Crashis: Walk
Hyperion: intangible gost
Setzer: second I went off the controller .-.
Crashis: me is dead o_o
Setzer: I think let's move o_O
Crashis: glitch or is it a costume. Muoiti by David reappear (written back)
Hyperion: I am the leader of the group * * trollface, I am arrivoh
Setzer: Questa connessione mi sta infastidendo ò_ò
Hyperion: se è colpa mia sgombero o_o
Crashis: Questa connessione è uno schifo o_o no, lagga proprio il server
Insanity: Una grafica davvero elementare e una costruzione altrettanto basilare rovinano un'idea che magari avrebbe potuto essere esplorata meglio. 2/5 solo per l'idea carina e nemmeno esageratamente originale
Setzer: ommioddio. Molto molto elementare è sufficiente come commento? 2/5
Hyperion: Troppo semplice e scontato 2/5
Crashis: The level looks like a classic newbies LBP. A few ideas, the level is too thin and linear background. Recommended when you play single player, on rainy days, sad to return the smile. Many of these parties were already in use at other levels, making this a bad copy of other far more good 2 / 5
Quick Summary
Name: Sackboy Run!
Author: Farrar1
media 2 / 5 stars
Insanity: next victim?
Crashis: Lol, Kira strikes again
Setzer: City Eye in the Sky. Increasingly Farrar1. Disappoint us this time too?
Crashis: Let's check it out.
Hyperion: Let's FUUUUUUU it out * dance * from the start in September
Crashis: Lol, if you're not Laggar we start the level
Hyperion: too much lag o_o
Insanity: someone managed to go over the boss? I think there is a bug and not the level is surprisingly not horrible, it turns out that the author is not Farrar1 do not understand why it is released by its user.
Insanity: aggioranmento the boss is not buggy
Insanity: Completed , the level is extremely nice, great graphics to the smallest detail and surreal atmosphere. For me it is a 4 / 5. I am left with the question of why is published under a different account.
Setzer: I would classify 4 / 5, looks like a level of adventure
Hyperion: I do a nice 5 / 5 maybe the lag is semi impossible but it is nice propio
Crashis: The level a whole has a good length, MiniStore attractive and good special effects. A note of demerit, however, be some cuts directors who give problems when you play in more than one person, and a few mistakes here and there in the mechanisms of the boss. Appreciable level after all, neither good nor evil. 3 / 5
Quick Summary
Name: City in the Sky
Author: Farrar1
media 4 / 5 stars
Setzer: For technical problems we stop the air, but will resume as soon as possible!
Temporary suspension
And unfortunately we are no longer able to continue, but the next episode promise you the longest and cured!