Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is There Sharks In Mission Bay, San Diego

Zárate UPLOAD DERBY! "Yeah my dream and play in the North ... the joy fly the Rome and fly to more than 8 points to the third place!

If the coach makes me beat the game also brings punishment. " The "Champions derby" is coming, the adrenaline rises, the mind discovers nostalgic, quickly traces the feelings of that 12 April 2009, when he put in ginocchio con un capolavoro d’alta scuola i dirimpettai cittadini. Immagini sbiadite di un Mauro Zàrate vecchia maniera. Quasi due anni dopo, polemiche e capi d’accusa gli hanno reso la vita più tortuosa, ma non sono riusciti a togliergli quella spasmodica attesa da derby. Quel desiderio di lasciare il segno e di abbracciare la sua gente festante. E’ tanto per cambiare il suo giorno. Per l’ennesima volta è rimbalzato in cima agli onori della cronaca biancoceleste per le intempestive considerazioni di colui che dovrebbe curare solo i suoi interessi. “Mauro non è un terzino, così lo distruggeranno”, ha tuonato questa mattina l’inopportuno fratello-agente Sergio. Lui fa melina, sfiora solo di striscio l’argomento, rivendicando meriti che non rientrano pienamente nel suo modo di concepire calcio. E’ un “amante de la bola”, probabilmente ne farebbe a meno di rincorrere gli avversari, ma si adegua, evitando di cavalcare il tormentone: “Domenica ho fatto un grande lavoro, non appariscente, ma efficace – ha spiegato Mauro Zàrate ai microfoni di Lazio Style Radio - . Ho coperto, mi sono sacrificato, ho fatto un lavoro che non rientra pienamente nelle mie caratteristiche ma non mi dispiace”. Nomina spesso la parola “mister”, come se volesse lanciare un messaggio ai navigatori (il fratello è in procinto di partire per assistere al derby, in compagnia della madre e del padre). Non è tempo to break, it's time to unite, to travel in one direction, towards Europe, the one that counts and that dream of visiting for many years: "With the coach everything is fine, sometimes there is a debate in the field, but there is no problem - still the number 10 -. We all have the same goal, we are a united group and convinced that he knows what he wants. " The Champions League at all costs: "We do not want to lose the fourth place, is what we are chasing for a long time. We hope to get there and beyond, we also strive to third place as the Naples there is only two points. " The team that worries him most of the race for Udinese dream is - "He many technically strong players "- but in the bottom of his heart will not fear anyone. Betting on himself, as well as Reja on Sunday will allow you the chance to get back in the days leading most anticipated: "I feel good, I spoke with the coach, I asked permission to do the job differently, a little reminder of preparation and now I feel much better. " E 'in trance competitive, wants to cancel the match of the progress, Reja surprise when the captain chose to Rocchi. Do not let you go to superstitious gestures, but already a foretaste of the triumphal scene: "I guess already that I will play, dribbling, trade with friends, hopefully a really great game to scream under the Curva Nord. Listening to the chorus with me last Sunday at the stadium I uploaded a lot, made me think of the derby. It 'the only thing on my mind right now. For the people is the most important match and they are right. Sunday can not be a different result from the victory. The last four times we lost, but we let them win on Sunday to 8 points behind. We must do our utmost to bring home this victory. "


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